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"Good morning." I said kissing all over Arielle's face. She groaned and opened her eyes. "Hi." she smiled up at me before she pulled my lips down to hers. I pulled away and got up. "C'mon let's get ready and go." I smiled reaching my hands out to her. I pulled her up and pulled her towards the bathroom. She was giggled as we walked into the bathroom. "What's so funny?" I laughed as I turned around. "You have a nice butt." she giggled as I walked us into the bathroom. "Have you ever looked at yours?"

"No? Is it nice?" She smirked as she pulled off her shirt. I started the shower water and smiled. "Really nice." I said as I walked to her. I connected our lips and she pushed her hands into my hair. I reached my hands down and squeezed her butt as she giggled. I pulled away and said, "C'mon get in the shower."

"Fine." She smiled as I walked out of the bathroom. I had already gotten up and showered so once she was ready we could leave. After she was done showering she walked out of the bathroom in her towel. "That was quick." I laughed as I turned around. "Well I'm excited to go out today." she smiled. I turned towards the wall so she could change.

"Why'd you turn away?" She giggled. "So you could change." I said as I stared at the wall. "Oh, right." she giggled. "Okay, you can turn around again." she said. She was wearing a pair of light washed jean shorts, a white crop top, and gray converse. "Stop staring." she laughed as she wrapped her arms around my neck and sat on my lap.

"Sorry you're just so damn beautiful." I smiled as her cheeks brightened. "I love how when I compliment you, you blush." I smiled and pushed some of her wavy hair behind her ear. "I love how every time we talk you smile." she said leaning her forehead against mine. "And I just love you in general." I said cupping her cheek with my hand. She leaned forward and connected our lips. They moved perfectly together as she moved her hands into my hair again.

I pulled away and smiled as she leaned her forehead against mine again. "I really love it when we kiss how you put your hands in my hair." I smiled. "It's so soft." she giggled playing with it. "C'mon let's go." I said standing up and grabbing her hand. We walked out of the hotel and out to my car. "So where do you wanna go first?" I smiled as we got into my car.

"The Hollywood sign?" She grinned as I started my car. "Sounds good." I smiled as I pulled out of the parking lot. "I'm so excited!" She smiled as I grabbed her hand. "You're so cute." I laughed as I turned onto a different road. "Eh, you're okay." she shrugged. "I'm hurt!" I said letting go of her hand and covering my heart. "I'm kidding." she giggled as I stopped at a red light. "Nope. I don't think we can be friends anymore." I said.

"Cam." She whined. I shook my head and kept my eyes on the road. She kissed me but I didn't kiss back. "I'm kidding you're sexy." she said grabbing my hand again. She kissed me again and I still didn't kiss back. "Kiss me." she pouted sticking out her bottom lip. She connected our lips again and this time I kissed back. I pulled away right as the light turned green again. "Hey I forgot about these!" She laughed as she pulled her sunglasses out of the side of the door. "Me too." I chuckled.

20 minutes later I pulled into a parking lot and we walked to the Hollywood sign. "Take a picture of me." she giggled handing me her phone. She put up two peace signs and stuck her tongue out. "Okay now let's get a selfie!" She laughed as she took her phone back and angled it so the Hollywood sign was in the back.

"We're so cute." she smiled as she looked at the picture. We took a couple more pictures and decided to go to the beach. We stopped at our hotel room and changed into our swim suits then got back into my car. "I love it here." she said as we pulled into the beach. "Me too. I'd love to live up here." I smiled. We got out of the car and set our stuff on the sand then got into the water.


Sorry this chapter is kinda boring and short. I'm sick so I wasn't really feeling it today but I made sure to update.

Oh and by the way I changed the girl who plays Arielle to Andrea Russett. A lot of people said they didn't really know who Lily Collins was so I decided to change it. And I added the other characters to the list so check that out if ya want.

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