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"I wanna get one of those flash tattoos." Arielle laughed as she ran into the kitchen. "Then do it." I shrugged."Yeah, but I need your help." she said as she wrapped her arms around my torso. "Ew no have Zack do it." I sarcastically groaned. "I'm not sure you would like where I want to put it." she smirked before walking away from me. My eyes widened as she said that.

I followed her towards the other bedrooms. "Zack?" She yelled as she smirked at me. "Stop it, I'll do it." I groaned. "What?" He asked walking out of his room. "You can decide where we go to dinner tonight." she smiled. "Sweet." he laughed as he walked back into his room. I put my arm around Arielle's shoulder and grabbed the car keys. "We'll be back!" I yelled before we walked outside.

We got into the car and pulled out of the driveway. "Where do we buy these at?" I asked. "I don't know actually." she laughed. "Do you think they have them in a henna shop?" I asked. "Probably." She nodded. We pulled into a local henna shop and got out of the car. "Hi, how can I help you?" A lady asked. "She wants to get a flash tattoo..." I said. "Oh, I can do that for you." she smiled.

She led us to the area where they had lots of different designs. "Ooh I like this one!" Arielle smiled as she pointed to one. "Me too." I said. "You guys are probably going to laugh at how easy these go on." the lady said. "Place this where you want it." she said as she grabbed a sponge out of package and soaked it with water. She put the wet sponge on the tattoo and waited a couple minutes before taking the plastic off. Arielle smiled at the tattoo in the mirror. "I like that." I smiled.

We thanked the woman and paid her then left. "Let's go get some ice cream." Arielle giggled as we got into the car. "I thought you said you were putting that tattoo somewhere where Zack shouldn't do it?" I asked. "I just wanted you to be the one who did it so I knew if I said that you would do it." she shrugged. "I didn't do it anyways but you're sneaky." I chuckled.

We drove down the road to an ice cream place and got out of the car. We ordered our ice cream and waited on the bench. Once it was ready we got it and sat back down. "I remember when we use to order the same thing." she giggled. "We still did." I smiled. "Did Hannah talk to you about marriage?" I asked nervously. "Yeah, she said she heard something about Zack proposing." Arielle said nodding. "Do you think they're too young?" I asked. "No, I mean if you're in love then you're in love. If it makes them happy then I think they should do it." she smiled. I nodded and said, "Yeah, I feel the same way."



haha but I never feel like going to softball and I have softball in an hour :/

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