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"Are you nervous for tonight?" Arielle asked me. "Very." I said taking a deep breath. "Everything will be great. You have nothing to worry about." She smiled before kissing me. "Thank you for always supporting me." I said. "I could say the same for you." She smiled. Tonight was my first movie premiere and I was beyond nervous. Arielle was going with Hannah and the rest of our friends and then they were all meeting up with me.

I got into the shower and put on a pair of shorts and a tshirt. Arielle was laying on our bed when I came out. "I have to go to get ready. I can't wait to see you later." I smiled. "Have fun." She said as she sat up. I leaned down and kissed her before walking towards the door. "I love you." I smiled. "I love you too." She said as I went downstairs and left the house.

// Arielle's Point of View \\

After Cameron left I decided to get a shower and go to Hannah's house. I put on shorts and a tshirt before grabbing my dress and driving to Hannah's. I got out of the car and walked inside her house. "Hi Arielle. It seems like its been forever since I've seen you." Her mom smiled. "I know. I've been so busy." I said. "You and Hannah both. I'd love to have you and her go with me to dinner sometime." She smiled. "That sounds great." I said as I returned the smiled.

"Well I'll let you get to Hannah. She's upstairs. Oh and when do you find out the gender of the baby?" She asked. "In a couple months. I feel like this pregnancy is going so slow." I laughed. "At first it will, but then you'll be wishing it would slow down." She smiled. "I'm really excited to finally hold my baby." I smiled. "I can't wait to see how cute it is. But I'll let you get to Hannah."

"Okay, it was good talking with you. I miss my second family." I giggled. "Trust me, we miss you too. Its too quiet around here." She laughed. I giggled before walking upstairs and going into Hannah's room.

"Hannah?" I asked as I looked around her room for her. "Hi." She grinned. "Whats making you so happy?" I giggled. "Zack just asked me if I would get an apartment with him." She smiled. "Aw I'm happy for you." I said hugging her. "Love you Ari." She grinned. "Love you too Han." I smiled.

"I invited Sydney and Kacey over to get ready with us." Hannah said. "Good, I feel like we haven't hung out in forever." I said. "Well that's probably because you're married and pregnant." Hannah laughed. Not too long after Sydney and Kacey showed up. Once they got here we started getting ready for the premiere.

"I don't feel like doing my hair." I groaned. "I'll do it. I'm going to straighten my hair and it's basically straight so it won't take me long." Sydney smiled. "Really?" I asked. "Sure." She smiled at me. "Thank you." I laughed as I handed her the curler. I sat down in a chair and brushed my hair before Sydney started curling it. "I really wanted to apologize." Sydney said. "For what?" I asked. "That whole thing with Cameron. I truly had no idea and I feel really bad about it." Sydney said.

"No, its fine. We were broken up and I don't blame you, he is pretty damn hot." I laughed. Sydney laughed along with me before saying, "You guys seem like a really good couple though. I'm happy for you guys."

"Thank you." I smiled. "I was so afraid that you hated me." Sydney laughed. "No way." I said shaking my head. "Well I'm glad." She smiled. After she finished my hair I started doing my makeup. Once we were all done we grabbed our outfits and went to change. "I was going to go into the bathroom to change but I realized I'm pregnant and don't feel like it so I hope you guys don't mind." I laughed. I pulled my shirt off and pulled my crop top on then pulled my shorts off.

"Arielle has such a nice ass I'm so jealous." Kacey laughed. "I literally tell her that all the time." Hannah said laughing. "I forgot I had a thong on." I blushed grabbing my skirt. "You're like 2 months pregnant and still hotter than I'll ever be." Sydney laughed. "I'm fat though?" I giggled as I pulled my skirt on. "You're so tiny that it just looks like you have a ball in your shirt." Hannah said.

"Cameron tells me that all the time but I feel so fat." I groaned. "You look hot." Kacey laughed. "Thanks guys." I giggled. Right as we finished getting ready the guys showed up. They knocked on the door and I opened it and smiled as I saw all of them in tuxes. "Dang you guys look hot." I smiled letting them in. "Should we let Cam know?" Zack laughed. "Shhh, its our secret." I giggled. Kacey, Sydney, and Hannah walked down the stairs and the guys couldn't take their eyes off of them.

"I feel like a 7th wheel." I groaned. "You have your baby." Andrew shrugged. "Atleast my baby likes me." I laughed. "You know we love you and your sexy pregnant body." Hannah winked. "Good, because true friends love you even if you get fat." I laughed.

"Cameron told us that he sent a limo to get us and it should be here in a couple minutes." Zack said. Once the limo showed up we all climbed in and the driver started driving to the premiere. "I'm really nervous." I said. "Why?" Sydney asked. "What if all of Cameron's fans hate me?" I said. "They won't. If anything they'll be jealous." Hannah smiled. Once we arrived we one by one climbed out. Trevor held out his hand to help me out of the limo. "I figured you'd need some help." He chuckled. "Thanks Trev." I smiled.

We all walked into where they had security surrounding the red carpet. We had to show them our passes before we could walk through. They let us all through and we started walking through the crowded area. There were fans everywhere yelling and screaming and some of them knew my name. "Arielle, can you take a picture with me?" A girl asked. I smiled and got closer to her before she took a selfie. "Oh my gosh you look so pretty!" She smiled. "Thank you." I blushed before I got pulled away.

I was walking with everyone until I felt a hand on mine. I looked over, scared to see who it was and smiled when I saw it was Cameron. "You look so sexy right now." He whispered into my ear. I felt a chill shoot up my spine and my cheeks felt hot. "And there's the blush I was hoping for." He smiled before kissing my cheek. I took time to look over his body and bit my lip as I did. "Stop biting your lip, I have to be good." He chuckled. "Your ass looks great." I smiled. "Shouldn't I be saying that to you?" He asked. "Maybe." I shrugged.

"Well your ass looks great." He chuckled. I blushed and kissed his lips before placing my hands on both sides of his face. I saw a whole bunch of flashes go off and pulled away. "How do these people know who I am?" I asked. "Maybe you should check your social media sometime." He chuckled as he grabbed my hand. I blushed and we started walking down the red carpet. We stopped for pictures and lots of people knew who I was. It was really overwhelming.

After we were done on the red carpet we went into a seperate room from all of the yelling fans. "Arielle this is my friend Nash. Nash this is my amazing wife Arielle." Cameron smiled as he introduced me to a tall guy with bright blue eyes. "Hi, its nice to meet you." I smiled. "You too. I've heard a lot about you." Nash said. I blushed and looked over at Cameron. He smiled and continued introducing me to costars and photographers. I couldn't even remember who was who or what I was doing.

"I feel so overwhelmed." I sighed as we sat down in a movie theater. "I'm sorry babe. I hope I'm not making it worse." He said. "No, its just gonna take some time to get used to this fame." I said. "I love you." He smiled before kissing my forehead. "I love you too."

Eventually all of our friends sat by us and all the people Cameron introduced me to. Then they let fans in and the movie theater quickly became crowded. The movie started and Cameron was actually a really good actor. Once the kissing scene came on I giggled. "Why don't you kiss me like that?" I giggled. "I don't know what to say." He said. "I'm kidding." I laughed.

After everything was over and we said our goodbyes to everyone we finally went home. I took my heels off and went into our room. I took off my skirt and shirt and pulled one of Cameron's on. Once he had changed we climbed into bed and he pulled my body to his before pulling the covers over us. "Thank you for everything today. I love you." He said kissing my head. "I love you too." I said laying my head on his chest before falling asleep.


Omg a really long chapter

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