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"Do you want to go shopping for my movie premiere? I asked Arielle as I watched her brush her hair. "Yeah, if you want." She smiled. "Okay, we can leave as soon as you're ready." I said. She decided not to put on any makeup so we left right after she was done brushing her hair.

"I don't know what to get." Arielle said as we were driving. "A sexy tight dress." I said as I rested my hand on her thigh. She laced our fingers together and smiled. "Cameron, I'm pregnant and look fat." She giggled. "You look hot. And you aren't too noticeable." I said as we pulled into a dress store. We got out and I grabbed her hand before walking into the store.

We started looking around and she picked out a few that she liked. "Wait, what about this?" I asked picking up a red skirt that went with a white top. "I like that. I'll go try everything on." She smiled. I waited for her to come out and show me the dresses. Neither of us really liked any of them until she put the red skirt on. "You look so gorgeous." I smiled. "Thank you." She blushed. She changed and we bought the dress before getting back into the car.

"I can't believe you're gonna be staring in a movie." She smiled. "Me either actually." I chuckled. When we got home I carried her dress in and put it in the closet. I walked back downstairs and sat on the couch, watching Arielle look around for something. "What are you looking for?" I chuckled. "My phone." She said. "Oh, its right here." I laughed as I picked it up off the coffee table. "How didn't I see it?" She giggled.

She walked over to me and grabbed it then put it on the table. She straddled me and pushed her fingers into my hair. "I love you." She smiled before kissing me. "I love you too." I said as she leaned her forehead on mine. "Ya know that first time I met you I hated you so much." She giggled as she pulled her forehead away from mine. "Really?" I chuckled. "Yeah, I thought you were an asshole." She laughed. "I thought you were hot." I chuckled.

"I can't even remember what I was wearing that day." She said as she wrapped her arms around my neck. "A very very tiny black dress." I said as I put my hands on her hips. "I might still have that dress." She giggled. "How about you put it on?" I smirked at her. "You would like that wouldn't you?" She laughed. "I like you in anything. You could be wearing a garbage bag and still look hot." I chuckled.

"I just might have to try that out sometime." She laughed. I starting laughing along with her as I thought about her wearing a trash bag. "Oh my gosh!" She said. "What?" I asked as she played with the back of my hair. "I just remembered that my birthday is next week." She smiled. "Ooh, what do you wanna do?" I asked. "Naughty stuff." She giggled. "Oh really?" I chuckled raising my eyebrows. "No." She shrugged as she got off of me.

"Man, I was enjoying that." I said. "Too bad." She said sticking out her tongue. "Stick your tongue back in your mouth, that's not polite." I said. She stuck it out again and started to giggle. "You have five seconds to apologize." I said. "Or what?" She laughed. I started to count down from five and once I got to one she ran upstairs. I ran after her and grabbed her.

"Stop! Cam!" She giggled. "Apologize." I laughed. "I'm sorry that I'm not sorry." She giggled. I pinned her against the wall and laughed before I kissed her lips. "I like when you're feisty." She laughed. I chuckled and walked away, sitting down on the bed. "Cam, what the heck." She whined. "What?" I asked. "I wanna makeout." She said. "Ew why would I wanna kiss you?" I laughed.

She climbed on top of me and kissed me, but I didn't kiss back. "Cam." She whined again. "Hmm?" I asked. "Kiss me." She giggled. "No." I said. She kissed my lips again and this time I kissed back. She started grinding her hips into me, causing me to have a boner. She giggled before climbing off of me and running into the bathroom.

"Fuck you." I chuckled. "You would." She laughed from behind the bathroom door. "You're such a pain in the butt." I said. "But you love me." She giggled. "You're lucky."


hey wassup

My hand looks disgusting lol its black and blue but its whatever i guess

I seriously dont know what to write about so im sorry if these are boring

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