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I woke up the next morning on the hammock with Arielle and groaned as I sat up. "This is very uncomfortable." Arielle groaned as she rolled over. "Let's never do that again." I chuckled as I got up. "Come on, I'll make you breakfast." I smiled at Arielle. "Carry me?" She pouted as she stuck out her bottom lip. I bent down and grabbed under her thighs and carried her bridal style into the condo. It was about 8 am and no one else was awake.

"Eggs, bacon, and pancakes okay?" I asked as I set her down inside. "Yes." she smiled. I got the stuff out to make it and started cooking. "I'm gonna take a shower." she said. I continued cooking until Arielle finished getting ready and came back down to the kitchen. "You look pretty." I smiled. She had blue jean shorts on and and a white crop top. Her long hair was in its natural wavy form and she had minimal makeup on. She came over to me and wrapped her arms around my neck before she connected our lips.

"What was that for?" I smiled as she pulled away. "For the compliment." she blushed. "So what do I get for making you breakfast?" I asked smirking at her as she sat down at the table. "I guess you'll have to wait and find out." she winked at me. "That's hot." I groaned as I set a plate of food down in front of her. "The food?" She laughed. "No. You." I said sitting down across from her.

Once we were done eating I decided to leave it out so that when everyone else woke up they could eat it. "Come on, let's go." Arielle smiled as she pulled me to our bedroom. She shut the door and started pushing me backwards towards the bed. "What are we doing?" I smirked as she pushed me down onto the bed. "Whatever you want." she grinned at me. "Really?" I chuckled. She bit her lip and nodded as she pulled my shirt off and climbed on top of me.

"Well I really like this." I said as she blushed. She moved her hands down and pulled my shorts off, tossing them onto the floor. She kissed my lips and bit my lip then started kissing down my neck. I groaned as my length grew under her. She left wet kissing all the way down my body until she reached the waistline of my boxers. She slid her hands into them and pulled them off.

She slowly moved her hands up and down my length, then slid her mouth over me until I went soft again. "Holy crap Arielle." I breathed. "Now go get a shower so we can go do something." she smiled.


"I want a dog." Arielle groaned as we walked along the boardwalk. "That's so random." I chuckled as she grabbed my hand. "I was just thinking about what everyone's gonna say when we get home and then I thought about if we're getting a house and then about kids and pets." she shrugged. "Slow down." I chuckled. "Sorry." she blushed as we continued walking.

"I think everyone's gonna be happy." I smiled. "Me too." she nodded. "Second, of course I'm buying us a house. I want to spoil you and make you the happiest girl in the world." I smiled. She looked at me and blushed as she smiled. "I seriously love you so much." she said. I smiled knowing she was telling the truth. "And we can get a dog. I'll even let you pick it out." I smiled. "What about kids? Do you want them?" She asked.

"We would make cute babies, of course I want some. I mean we're still in college though. I figured you'd want to wait." I shrugged. "I was really scared about having kids in college but your acting career is starting to take off and I think we'll be fine." she smiled. "I think we will too. I can't wait to go on this journey with you." I said. "Me neither."


Hey long time no see haha I'm sorry about that. I had a crazy weekend and spent lots of time with my friends and stuff and it was a banger (; lol jk (or am I?)

But i know this is really short and kinda sucks but I'm sorry I'm really trying. Only one month left of school so then I'll update more!!

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