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"Okay. Sounds good. Yes. Thank you. Bye." Arielle said as she hung up the phone. "Ugh." she groaned as she slammed her phone down onto the kitchen counter. "Who was that?" I asked. "A cake designer. This is so hard to plan. I don't want to do it anymore." she groaned. I chuckled at her frustration. "Can't we just go get married at a courthouse tonight?" she giggled. "I want you to have the wedding you've always dreamed of." I smiled as I pulled her body to mine.

"As long as I'm marrying you I'll be happy." she smiled. "And that's why I love you." I said as I kissed her head. She wrapped her arms around my torso and took a deep breath. "Seriously though this whole wedding thing is stressing me out." she said. "My mom has planned a couple weddings. I could ask her for help." I suggested. "Sounds great." she laughed.

"Invite her over for dinner. She hasn't seen the house yet." Arielle said as she pulled out of my embrace. I smiled and grabbed my phone. I dialed her number and invited her over for dinner before heading upstairs to shower and change. After I was ready I went downstairs and helped Arielle cook. My mom and Sierra arrived right before the food was done. After it was finished we sat down at the table.

"You guys will have to give me a tour of the house." my mom smiled. "Sure." Arielle said. After we were done eating I cleaned everything up while Arielle took them on a tour of the house. "Wow, this is definitely a beautiful house." my mom said looking around. After I had finished cleaning up I started walking with them. "Hey mom I have a question." I said.

She looked at me waiting for me to ask. "So we were going to plan the wedding but we have no idea what we're doing and we were wondering if you'd help us?" I laughed. "I'd be happy to." she smiled. "Thank you!" Arielle smiled. "Its my pleasure." my mom smiled back.


it's really short and boring I know but I'm gonna skip ahead so dont cha worry don't cha worry child lol that song is old but whatever

sorry for not updating I was really busy and stuff but I'm gonna update again so yeah okay (:

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