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"Are you sure you want to come?" I asked. Arielle nodded and sat down at the island in the kitchen. I pulled out my phone and called Megan. "Hello?" she answered. "We need to talk." I said. "Of course. When?" she asked. You could almost sense her smile on the other line. "15 minutes, at Starbucks." I said. Arielle and I were holding eye contact as I talked to Megan.

"Okay. See you then." she said hanging up. I put my phone down and leaned on the table in front of Arielle. "Are you ready?" I asked. "Yeah. Lets go." Arielle said. We grabbed our shoes and got into my car before pulling out of our driveway and driving to Starbucks. "What if the baby actually is mine?" I asked. "Then I guess you'll already be a father." She said. I could tell that it bothered her, but I don't think the baby is mine.

We walked inside of Starbucks and sat down. "Do you want a drink?" I asked Arielle. She shook her head and sat quietly. I went up and got myself a coffee before sitting down beside Arielle. Megan showed up almost 10 minutes later and smiled as she walked in with a baby carrier. She set it down and sat across from us. I grabbed Arielle's hand under the table and squeezed.

"So why are we here?" Megan asked. "You tell me. Is that my child?" I asked looking at the baby carrier. She nodded and pulled the blanket off of the top of the carrier. Underneath was a baby boy with brown hair and eyes. He was smiling up at us. "How old is he?" I asked not taking my eyes off of him. "Two months." she smiled. I shook my head and looked at her. "If this was my child he would have to be atleast five months old." I said.

"Cameron, he looks just like you." she laughed. "Fine, then I want a paternity test done." I said. "Are you serious?" she asked. "Beyond serious Megan. I'm done playing your games." I said. "Fine." She said. After Megan left Arielle and I got into my car and drove home. "I was so nervous." Arielle said. "Why?" I chuckled. "She intimidates me." she shrugged. "What? Why?" I asked. "Because I see the way she looks at you." she said. "What do you mean?"

"She looks at you the same way I do Cameron. She's in love with you and it intimidates me." she said. "I don't have eyes for anyone other than you, Arielle. When will you get that?" I sighed. "I just don't get it. I'm not even close to as pretty as some girls are. I mean look at Sydney, she's gorgeous, and clearly you thought so too. So I don't get why you chose me." she said looking out of the window. "Sydney may be pretty but you don't understand. Since the moment that I laid my eyes on you I haven't looked at anyone else the same way. You're so beautiful and kind and caring and it kills me knowing that you don't see that. You have a ring on your finger and you're two months pregnant but guys still stop in their tracks to look at you." I said.

"You're a model Cameron. You could be married to a model with long blonde hair and bright blue eyes with a perfect body. It just doesn't add up." she said. "You are a model. Some of the photographers that you met actually asked me if you've ever considered it. They said you're gorgeous and would do great. Besides I love your long brown hair, and bright green eyes, and your freckles, and big lips. You're perfect in my eyes." I said. She blushed and smiled. "That was the sweetest thing anyone's ever said to me." she blushed.

"I love you." I said as I grabbed her hand. "I love you too." she smiled.


"Sign in up here." the woman at the front desk said. Arielle, Megan, and I were at the doctors to get the paternity test taken. Once we signed in we sat down in the waiting area. Arielle and I sat beside each other and I grabbed her hand while Megan sat a couple seats down from us. "You look nice today." I whispered into Arielle's ear. "Thanks, I stole this flannel from some guy I know." she blushed. "It looks better on you anyways." I said kissing her cheek.

"Even though I probably won't fit into your clothes in a couple months." she giggled. I laughed and kissed her lips. "Cameron Dallas and Megan Reese." A nurse said as she came out of the door. Arielle and I stood up along with Megan and followed the nurse back to a room. "The doctor should be right with you." she smiled before walking out. "I think you're going to be pretty surprised when you find out that this is your baby." Megan said. I just rolled my eyes and sat down beside Arielle.

A couple minutes passed before the doctor came in. "So you guys are here for a paternity test?" he asked. "Yeah." I said. He got everything ready and then took a qtip and rubbed it throughout my mouth before putting it in a bag. He did the same for the baby and then Megan and explained how it would work. "We should have the results back in a couple of weeks." the doctor said. "Okay, thank you."

Arielle and I decided to go to Taco Bell after we left the doctors. We ordered our food and sat down until they called our number. We started to eat our food until she dropped a piece of cheese down her shirt. I chuckled as she tried to find it. "Why are my boobs so huge. I don't understand." she giggled. "You're pregnant." I chuckled. "That seems to be your answer for everything." she said.

"Well if it makes you feel any better your boobs look really good." I laughed. Her cheeks turned bright red as she reached across the table and smacked my arm. "Cameron! We're in public!" she laughed. "Yeah, but that guy over there has been staring at you for at least 10 minutes now so I just wanted to say something that I knew he couldn't." I chuckled.

She reached across the table and placed her hands on my cheeks before connecting our lips for a slow passionate kiss. She pulled away and sat down smiling as her cheeks turned pink. "Is that better?" She giggled. "It was better, but I think we should do it again just in case he didn't get it." I smirked. She laughed and looked over to see the guy walk out of the Taco Bell.

"I think he was more interested in you than he was me actually." she shrugged. I chuckled and watched as he got into his car and drove away. "Lets go home." I said standing up and throwing away our trash. "C'mon baby daddy." she giggled. "If you're going to call me that then just call me daddy." I smirked. "Cameron! That's disgusting!" she laughed. "You like when I'm naughty though." I shrugged.

"I feel like I'm already raising a child." she laughed. "I only act 12 sometimes!" I said. "Or all of the time." she laughed lightly. "Okay, maybe you're right." I said as we got into my car.


double update wow that hasn't happened in a while

but do you think the baby is Cam's?

2 comments for another update

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