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7 Years Later

"Daddy when is everyone gonna be here?" Hadley asked. "Anytime now." I said. There was a knock on the door and Peyton ran over to open it. "Hannah! I missed you!" Peyton giggled. "I missed you too pretty girl." Hannah said picking Peyton up. "Guess what!" Peyton said. "What?"

"Tomorrow's my birthday!" She giggled. "How old are you gonna be?" Hannah smiled. "Six." Peyton said counting her fingers. "You're getting too old. Stop growing." Hannah laughed setting Peyton down again. "Hey man." Zack said. "How's the married life?" I chuckled. "Great. Hannah's gonna be a great mother." Zack said as we both looked over at Hannah and Arielle playing with Hadley and Peyton.

There was another knock on the door and Hadley rushed over to open the door. Kacey and Trevor came in and Sydney followed behind them. "Hey guys." Trevor said. "Is there a fire going yet?" Kacey asked. "I think Andrew might be out there making one." I said. "Okay, good." Kacey smiled.

Everyone filed outside and sat in chairs around the fire. "Hows your new movie coming along?" Trevor asked me. "Good. I think its gonna be the best one yet." I smiled. Arielle sat down right beside me and held my hand. I smiled and kissed her forehead. "Daddy?" Hadley asked. "Yes babygirl?" I smiled. "Are Andrew and Sydney still gonna get married?" She asked.

Andrew and Sydney were having some relationship problems and decided to wait on their wedding. "Yeah we are." Andrew smiled hugging Sydney's side. Sydney grabbed his hand and smiled. "Yay!" Hadley smiled. I pulled her onto my lap and hugged her to my chest. "I love you daddy." She said. "I love you too princess." I smiled as I kissed her head.

"Okay, I guess I might as well say this now." Kacey started. "I'm pregnant!" She laughed. "Oh my gosh congratulations!"

"Thank you." She smiled. Trevor and Kacey wanted to wait till after they were stable and married to have kids. They've been married for about a year now. After a while everyone decided it was getting late and left. "Hadley! Peyton! Time for bed." Arielle said. They ran upstairs and changed into their pajamas before climbing into their beds.

We just recently moved Peyton into Hadley's room. "Read us a story!" Hadley smiled. "I've read you a story before bed for the last 7 years, why would I stop now?" I chuckled. Arielle handed me a book and we sat down and read a story. By the end of it both of the girls were asleep. We kissed them goodnight and went into our room.

We both changed and climbed into bed. "When should we tell everyone I'm pregnant again?" Arielle smiled as she put her head on my chest. "Lets wait and let them realize it." I chuckled. "Sounds good." She said. I kissed her lips and said, "Goodnight Arielle."

"Goodnight Cameron. I love you more than imaginable." She smiled. "I love you too baby." I smiled before closing my eyes and drifting to sleep.



Aw I'm gonna miss Cameron and Arielle

If you have any questions or anything comment below

Thanks for reading this and giving me your feedback and suggestions. I might start a new book so be on the lookout for that. Anyways peace out homies (:

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