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One Month Later

"I'm so excited to be back in Miami." Arielle smiled as we walked into the condo we got. "Me too. I love it here." Hannah said. "We call the master bedroom!" I yelled as we walked into the house. "Ugh fine." Hannah said as she pulled Zack towards one of the smaller bedrooms. Trevor and Kacey were dating and decided to tag along so they got a smaller bedroom also. Andrew and Sydney really hit it off and decided to come along even though they weren't dating.

Arielle and I walked into the master bedroom and set our stuff down. I smiled as I looked around the room. I laid back on the bed and pulled Arielle down on top of me. She giggled as she wrapped arms around my neck and laced her fingers in my hair. "I'm so in love with you." she said as she pulled her face down to mine, connecting our lips.

The thought of marriage still runs through my mind, and every time she says stuff like that I want to go buy a ring. I licked her lip asking for entrance but she pulled away and smiled. "Hold on." she said as she got off me and closed the door. I heard it lock before she climbed back on top of me. "So where were we?" She smiled as she kissed me again.

She pulled at my hair as I moaned into her mouth. She slid her tongue into my mouth and pulled away long enough to pull my shirt off. "Quick and quiet?" I breathed as I sat up. She grinned and nodded before attacking my lips again.


"So what is it I hear about marriage?" Andrew laughed as he sat down beside me in the sand. "What the hell? Arielle's going to find out." I groaned. "You're proposing? Holy shit." Andrew said. "Congrats." Trevor smiled as he sat down next to us. "I don't know what I'm doing. I want to, but I don't want to rush anything." I said. "I say do it." Andrew said. "Me too. It's now or never." Trevor shrugged. "We'll see." I said.

"Cam baby come here!" Arielle laughed as she walked out of the water. "Don't say anything, please." I said standing up. "No problem." Andrew said. I walked over to Arielle and wrapped my arms around her. "Have I ever told you that I love you?" She smiled looking up at me. "Many times, but I'm always up to hear it." I smiled. "Well I love you." she giggled before kissing me. "I love you a lot more."

"Come on let's get in the water." she smiled pulling me into the water. After swimming for a while we decided to go back to the condo and change to go to dinner. I hopped into the shower and did my routine then got out and wrapped the towel around my waist. I walked into the room and saw Arielle laying on the bed. "Hello, handsome." she giggled. "You're so cute." I laughed. I turned away from her and dropped my towel so I could change. I pulled on a pair of boxers and turned back around as I pulled shorts and a tank top on.

"You have such a nice butt." she said. "What's up with you? You're being so sweet and complimenting me." I chuckled. "I don't know. I just realized how much I love you when we got here. I mean this time last year was amazing and we've been through so much crap and managed to find our way." she smiled. "God I love you." I said as I leaned my forehead against hers. "I love you too." she smiled pushing her head forward to connect our lips.

She was right though. We met because I accidentally ran into her in New York while we were on spring break and then I was the biggest ass to her. I got a girl pregnant and she stayed by my side. I left for almost a year and came back and here we are. If it weren't for her I would probably be hooking up with random girls like I used to. The thought of being with anyone other than her makes me almost sick. I've never loved anyone until I met Arielle and I did want to marry her.

"I think you're the best thing to ever happen to me." I smiled. "What? No way." she said. "I treated everyone so poorly until I met you. I'm so glad I met you." I said hugging her. We stayed in each other's embrace for a while until there was a knock on the door. "We're leaving in 5 minutes!" Zack yelled.

We finished getting ready and then met out in the car with everyone to go to dinner.


This chapter was really sappy and loving lololol sorry bout it

My chapters have been getting shorter and shorter and I'm really sorry about it. I'm so busy I literally spend 20 minutes writing each chapter but SCHOOLS ALMOST OUT SO DONT WORRY!!

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