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"Hi guys." Arielle smiled as we sat down at the table. All of our friends decided to go out to dinner so we got a table at a local restaurant. "Hey love birds." Hannah laughed. "How's the baby?" Kacey smiled. "Good, we found out the gender." Arielle said.

"He's gonna be a little football player, right Cam?" Amdrew smirked. "Actually, she's going to be a little princess." I smiled holding Arielle's hand. "Oh my gosh a girl." Sydney smiled hugging Arielle. "Yay! What's her name gonna be?" Kacey smiled. "Hannah." Hannah laughed. "Actually we were thinking Hadley." I said.

"That's such a pretty name." Hannah said. "What about a middle name?" Kacey asked. "I like Renee." Arielle smiled. "Me too." I said kissing her cheek. Once our food came we kept a light conversation going, then got the receipts and left.


"Do you want to come with me to my photo shoot?" I asked Arielle. "I don't know. Lots of hot girls walking around and staring at you." She trailed off. "And the only one I'll be looking at is you." I smiled. "I love you." She blushed. "I love you too, now go get ready." I laughed. She smiled before getting up and putting on a pair of capri leggings and a tanktop. "Lets go." I smiled grabbing her hand.

We got into the car and I drove to where my shoot was. "I don't wanna get out." Arielle said once we pulled in. "Why not?" I asked. "I look fat." She sighed. "You're five months pregnant." I said. She groaned and said, "I want this baby out of me."

"I do too, I can't wait to meet our little princess." I smiled. "Me neither." She said. "C'mon let's go. I want them to see how hot my wife is." I said. I got out of the car and opened the door for Arielle. I grabbed her hand and we walked inside. "Cameron, how have you been?" Chris asked. "I'm great. Chris, this is my wife Arielle." I smiled.

"Its nice to finally meet you." He smiled. "You too." Arielle said. I introduced her to my photographer Bryant and then went to change. When I came out all of the models were surrounding her and smiling. "Your baby is going to be so cute. You better bring her in to see us." A blonde said. "I definitely will." Arielle smiled.

Bryant moved us how he wanted us and then we took hundreds of pictures. Once he was satisfied I changed and met up with Arielle again. "Are you ready to go?" I asked. She nodded as I grabbed her hand. "Bye Arielle! I can't wait to see your gorgeous daughter." One of the models said. "Bye!" Arielle smiled.

I wrapped my arm around Arielle and smiled. "And you said they wouldn't like you." I chuckled. "They were nice." She smiled. "Lets go home." I laughed. Arielle smiled as we got into the car and drove home.


Only 2 more chapters guys idk how to feel

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