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I woke up and stretched my arms out expecting to feel Arielle's body. I only felt the bed and opened my eyes. The bathrool light was on so I got up and walked in. She was flushing the toilet. "Sorry I didn't mean to wake you up." She said. "You didn't. Are you okay?" I asked watching her grab her toothbrush. "I think so. I just got this random stomach ache and threw up everything we ate for dinner last night but I think I'm fine now." She smiled as she put toothpaste on her toothbrush.

I went downstairs and grabbed her a bottle of water before returning to the bathroom. She put her toothbrush back and smiled. "Thank you." She said. "Do you want to go to your dad's house today?" I asked. "Yeah, I miss him." She smiled.

"Okay, I'll make breakfast and then we can go." I said. She got into the shower while I went downstairs. I made eggs and bacon and finished it right as she came downstairs. "Whatever you made is making my stomach upset." She groaned as she walked into the kitchen. "Really? Its eggs and bacon? Your favorite." I chuckled. She grabbed her stomach and ran over to the trashcan. I grabbed her hair and held it out of the way while she threw up.

"I'm sorry you had to witness that." She giggled. "Anything for you." I smiled as I went to kiss her lips. "Ew never mind you just threw up." I chuckled. She groaned before going upstairs to brush her teeth again. I went upstairs to change and once we ate our food we left. "I think I'm done throwing up, I'm actually really hungry." She said. "We just ate?" I laughed. "I know thats why I'm confused." She giggled.

We pulled into her dads driveway and got out of the car. She walked inside and smiled once she saw her dad. "Hey you guys, how was Hawaii?" He smiled. "Amazing." She said hugging him. "I missed you." He said. "I missed you too. Where's Mason?"

"Right here!" He laughed as he ran into the room. "I missed you!" She laughed as she hugged him. "I missed you too! Now that you and Cameron are a family does that mean that bird is going to drop a baby off on your front door?" He asked. She giggled as he talked about it. "Maybe." She laughed. Her dad laughed as Mason went into the details about how he wanted it to be a boy and his name to also be Mason.

After we left we decided to go across the road to my mom's house. "How was Hawaii?" My mom smiled hugging me. "Great." Arielle said. "I'm glad to hear that." She smiled. "I'm gonna use the bathroom. I'll be right back." She smiled walking away. Once she was out of listening range my mom grinned at me. "What?" I chuckled. "She's pregnant isn't she?" She smiled. "Not that I know of. Why would you say that?" I asked. "She looks like she's glowing and she's so tiny that you can tell when she gained a little weight."

"I don't know. She hasn't had her period yet this month." I shrugged. I really didn't know anything about this. "Has she thrown up at all?" My mom asked. "Yeah, she's been throwing up all morning actually." I said. My mom's smile grew as Arielle walked back into the room. "I have cramps." Arielle groaned. My mom gave me a 'I told you so' look. "Well lets go home and see if you feel better." I said as I wrapped my arms around her.

"See you guys later." My mom smiled as we walked out. "Bye!" Arielle smiled back. We got into the car and I started driving. "When does your period usually come?" I asked. "Uh tomorrow." She said. She looked out onto the road and her cheeks turned a light pink. "Lets go to the drug store." She said. I chuckled and turned onto another road. "Why are you laughing?" She giggled. "Because of your reaction." I laughed. "I'm kind of embarrassed." She blushed.

"What? Why?" I asked. "Because I could be pregnant and you're the one who noticed." She said. I pulled into the parking lot and turned the car off. "The thought of you being pregnant is actually kinda sexy." I chuckled. The color in her cheeks darkened. "C'mon lets go get a pregnancy test." She giggled.


aw kids are so cute lmao

whats up guys i feel like we haven't talked in forever

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