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I woke up on a cool hard floor. I rolled over and saw Sydney laying next to me. I sat up and felt my horrible, pounding headache. "Shit." I groaned. "Cameron?" Sydney asked as she sat up. "Yeah?" I laughed. "Im hungover." she giggled. "Me too." I laughed as I stood up. I reached my hand out and helped her up. "What happened last night?" I asked.

"I'm not sure." I said. "Zack said he wasn't drinking, maybe he knows what happened." She said. We walked around the house and found Trevor, Kacey, and Andrew laying on the couches. We woke them up and left the other people laying on the floor. We decided to meet at IHOP for breakfast, even though it was 12pm. We sat down at a table and ordered our food.

"What happened last night?" I chuckled. "You two were drinking and dancing. Then next thing I know you guys were on the couch making out. Afterwards you guys literally passed out on the floor." Zack chuckled. Sydney and I both laughed as he told us what happened. I'm not going to lie, I was really attracted to Sydney. But I was in love with Arielle. If Arielle didn't decide she wants me soon I might just give up and move on.

"Hannah just texted me. She said that we're all invited to come to her house for swimming and pizza." Zack said. "Who's Hannah?" Sydney whispered to me. "His girlfriend." I told her. "Oh, okay." she smiled.


// Arielle's Point of View //

I called Hannah yesterday and told her about what Cameron said in his sleep. She told me to go over and admit my feelings for him. I did, but he wasn't home so I'm hoping he comes to Hannah's so I can finally tell him. I quickly showered and got dressed then walked over to Hannah's house. When I walked in everyone was already here. There was a brunette I had never seen before but I ignored her and looked around for Cameron.

"Hey Ari." Trevor smiled. "Hi." I said. "This is Kacey. Kacey this is Arielle." he smiled. "Hi, it's nice to meet you." she grinned at me. "You too." I smiled back at her. "Ari come here." Hannah smiled. "Have you seen Cameron?" I asked. "No, but you remember that time you and I fell down the stairs together?" She laughed. "Yeah." I laughed along with her. "How does that even happen?" Zack chuckled. I walked away from her and saw Cameron and some blonde walking down the stairs together, laughing.

"Hey, Arielle, this is Sydney. Sydney this is Arielle." he said. "Hi, how are you?" She smiled. "Good. Cameron can I talk to you?" I asked. "Later? Sydney and I were about to get in the pool." he said. "Oh, uh, yeah." I said. "Cool." he smiled as they walked away.

"Arielle, let's get in the pool! Come on!" Hannah said pulling me outside. I went out with her and stripped out of my clothes, leaving me in the purple bikini Cameron used to love. Of course I did it on purpose. I saw Sydney swim over to him and wrap her legs around his waist then kiss him. What was going on?

"He's trying to make you jealous." Hannah smirked at me. "Well it's not working." I shrugged. "Good." Hannah laughed. I went inside to get a glass of water. I opened the cupboard and it was empty. Hannah always had two cupboards of cups. So I opened the cupboard above it and tried to reach the cup. Of course I couldn't reach it. "Shit." I groaned.

"Need some help?" Andrew laughed. "Yes, please." I smiled. Andrew grabbed the cup and stood back before handing it to me. "So you and Cameron aren't together?" He asked as he handed me my cup. "Uh, no." I said. "Okay good. I just wanted to make sure before I told you that your ass looks really good." he chuckled. I blushed and filled my cup with water. "Andrew, would you wanna do me a favor?" I smiled as I set my cup down.

"Depends." he said jumping onto the counter. "I know Cameron's trying to make me jealous. Would you wanna maybe..."

"Make him jealous?" He smirked. "Yeah." I said shyly. "Come here." he said jumping off the counter. He grabbed my face and stared into my eyes before he placed his lips on mine. It was a weird feeling, kissing Andrew. Our lips moved together until he pulled away. "You're a good kisser. I know why Cameron likes you so much." he laughed.

"Come on!" I blushed as I pulled him outside with me. Everyone was laying on the sun chairs laughing about something that Trevor had said. Andrew sat down on one of the chairs and pulled me down on top of him so I was straddling him. I giggled and wrapped my arms around his neck. He took no time to connect our lips. I moved my hands to his hair and slid my tongue over his lips. He allowed my tongue access and placed his hands on my hips.

"Hello there's people around." Zack laughed. I pulled away and blushed. "Sorry." Andrew smirked. Cameron looked jealous. Good he deserved to get a taste of his own medicine.


I'm having a bad day :/

but here ya go

The next chapter gets good so 2 comments and 2 votes for an update (;

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