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"I'm actually really excited to go home." Arielle laughed as we boarded the plane. "Me too." I smiled. We got into our seats and fell asleep on the plane. After we got back to the airport and exited the plane Arielle starting getting nervous. "Who do you want to tell first?" She asked. "How about we tell them over dinner tonight?" I smiled. She grabbed my hand and nodded. "Okay." she said.

We met with our parents in the west wing of the airport and we all went our separate ways. "So how was it?" My mom asked once we were in the car. "Great. Even better than the first time." I smiled. "I'm glad to hear that." she said. Once we got back to my house I took my bags up to my room and jumped into the shower. We were all having dinner at 6 at Arielle's favorite sushi restaurant and it was already 5. Once I got out I changed into khakis and a black shirt. I quickly fixed my hair and met with my mom and sister downstairs.

"Is it okay if Brent comes with us?" Sierra asked. I nodded my head and sat on the couch. Once Brent arrived we got into my moms car and drove to the restaurant. We pulled into the restaurant at the same time that Arielle's dad did. She smiled as she walked over to me and slid her fingers inbetween mine. I smiled as we walked inside the restaurant and were seated. We ordered our food and drinks and kept a light conversation going as we waited for our food. "So how was vacation you two?" Arielle's dad asked.

"Amazing." Arielle smiled. "She took the words right out of my mouth." I chuckled. Once our food came we kept a conversation going as we ate. After we were done eating I grabbed Arielle's hand again before thinking of how to tell them. I think I was even more nervous this time. "We have something to tell you guys." I smiled as I watched Arielle. "Ari, are you pregnant?" Her dad asked. I laughed as she blushed and said, "No."

"Well as you know I love your daughter very much sir, and while we were in Miami I asked her to marry me." I said. He looked shocked at the sudden statement but recovered quickly. "And I said yes." Arielle smiled. "Wow, that's a big commitment." My mom said. "I know that, but I've never been so sure of something in my life." I said. Arielle blushed as I ran my fingers over hers. "Well congratulations guys." my sister smiled. "Let me see the ring!"

Arielle laughed as she placed her hand on the table. "Wow that's gorgeous." Sierra smiled. "I know." Arielle blushed. After dinner we parted our separate ways and went home. "Are you sure about this Cameron?" My mom asked. "Like I said before, I've never been so sure of something ever." I said. "Okay. If you're happy then I'm happy." she smiled.


"Do you want to go look at this house?" I asked Arielle as we sat on her front porch. "Really?" She grinned. I nodded as she stood up and pulled me up. "Of course!" She giggled. We got into the car and drove to the house. It was only 5 minutes away from where we lived. It was a huge brown and creme colored house. It had a dark brown colored front door with stairs leading up to it and a large garage connected to the house.

"Wow this is really nice." she smiled. "I know." I said as we walked to the front door. "Hello, you must be Mr. and Mrs. Dallas, I'm Claire and I'm the realtor who will be shopping you around." a lady in her early 30s smiled. "Follow me right this way." she said. We followed her into the house and looked around. Arielle's jaw dropped as we walked inside. As soon as you walked into the door there was a set of stairs that led to 4 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms.

To the left of the stairs was a giant living room, and to the right was a nice dining room. We walked through the dining room and it led into a very nice kitchen with an island and then it went to another big family room. The whole down stairs went in a circle so you could just walk all around it. We went upstairs and there was a large master bedroom with a walk in closet and a master bathroom. The other 3 bedrooms were also big and had a nice view of the backyard. There was another bathroom in between two of the bedrooms.

We went into the basement and there was a laundry room and another family room. After that we went into the backyard and there was a huge back porch, a white fence around the house, and an in ground pool. "This place is so nice." Arielle breathed as she looked around. "Do you like it?" I asked. "I love it." she smiled. "Good, because we're getting it." I smiled. "This is probably so expensive." she said.

"Your point?" I chuckled. "Cameron, I love you but how are we going to afford this?" She sighed. "Savings, and I get paid extremely good with the movies I'm filming. I told you I want to take care of you, so let me do it." I said grabbing her hips and pulling her body to mine. "I'm so crazy about you." she said quietly. "In a good way I hope." I smiled. "Of course." she grinned before connecting our lips.

The realtor came back over to us and smiled. "So what do you think?" She asked. "We'll take it." I smiled. "Great. This house has been on the market for a while so all you guys have to do is fill out the paper work and pay the first month and then you can have the keys." she smiled. "Really?" Arielle smiled. She nodded.

After we had filled out the paper work and arranged when the first month would be paid Arielle and I left. "Let's go get dinner." I smiled as I opened the door for her and then climbed into the drivers side. I drove to McDonald's and we went inside. I ordered for us and then sat down at a table as we ate. "Are you stalking me? How did you know what I wanted to eat?" She giggled. "I watch you through your window sometimes." I shrugged.

"Really?" She asked seriously. "No, Arielle. If I wanted to see you naked that badly I'm sure you would show me." I smirked. "Oh really?" She blushed as she laughed. "Don't deny it baby." I smirked. "So the same goes for me too right?" She asked. "Of course. Tell me when and where and I'll be there naked." I chuckled. "I'll remember that." she giggled.

After we were done eating we threw our trash away and got back into the car. "I wanna stay at your house tonight." she smiled. I drove to my house and got out of the car. "Hop on." I laughed and I bent down so Arielle could hop onto my back. She giggled as she hopped on and I carried her inside. I carried her upstairs to my room and closed the door. "Lets take a picture." she giggled.

I walked to the mirror and make and ugly face as she started laughing in the picture. "I love you." she giggled before kissing me. I let her down and we both changed before getting into bed. I covered us up and laid my head on her chest. "When do you want to get married?" I smiled. "Whenever you want to." she laughed. "Tomorrow?" I asked. "That's too soon, I won't have time to get anything ready." she laughed again as she played with my hair. "Ugh fine. What about July 23?" I asked. "Sounds good. Why that day though?" She asked.

"I don't know it's the first day that popped into my head." I chuckled. She continued playing with my hair and smiled. "I love you and can't wait for the future." she smiled. I kissed her chest as we drifted to sleep.


Hey what's up hello lolol long time no update . sorry about that lol I tried making this one super long to make up for the lack of updates.

how was your day? I'm always curious haha (:

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