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"Cameron can you open the door?" My mom yelled from her room. "Yeah." I yelled back. I ran downstairs and opened the door. Hannah and Zack were standing there smiling. "Get ready we're going to lunch." Hannah smiled. I grabbed my phone and we all got into the car. Hannah drove over to Arielle's house and honked her horn.

Arielle walked out of her house and got into the back beside me. "Hi." I smiled. "You didn't tell me he was coming." Arielle said to Hannah. Hannah locked the car doors and pulled out of the driveway before Arielle could get out. "Suck it up. You guys can't go on like this forever." Hannah said.

Arielle groaned as we drive down the road. "So you guys are all going to college?" I asked breaking the silence. "Yeah." Zack said. "What about the apartment?" I asked curiously. "When you left things were hard. We decided not to get it." Hannah said. I nodded and continued staring outside.

"I'm sorry for leaving. I had to do what I did to not end up like my father. If I would've known this was how it was going to end up I wouldn't have left." I sighed. "You did what any person in your position would've. We're just glad you're back." Hannah said. "Yeah bro. It was so boring without you." Zack chuckled. "Not to mention quiet. We didn't hear you guys having sex anymore. I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing though." Zack laughed. I smirked and saw Arielle blush.

I knew she still had feeling for me. Why did she have to play hard to get?

"How long until we get there?" Arielle asked. "Woah, you actually speak?" I laughed. "Yeah, just not to assholes like you." she shrugged. "I'm hurt." I said holding my hand over my heart. Arielle rolled her eyes.

"We're here." Hannah smiled. We got out of the car and went inside. Once we got to our booth I sat beside Arielle and smiled. "Its just like old times." I said. "Yeah except we aren't dating!" She said smiling. I wrapped my arms around her and whispered, "Stop playing games Arielle."

"I'm not playing." She said as she pulled out of my embrace. I rolled my eyes and focused on Hannah and Zack. Once our food came I threw one of my french fries down Arielle's shirt. "Seriously Cameron?" She groaned. "Yes, seriously." I smiled. "Stop." she said. "I'll stop once you stop." I grinned at her. "I'm not doing anything." she said rolling her eyes. "Yes you are. Stop lying to yourself." I said. "I'm not lying about anything?" She said more like a question.

"God Arielle, you make me so angry." I said. "How do you think I feel?" She said almost yelling. "Why are you doing this. You know how I feel." I said. She didn't reply.

After we were done eating we left and the ride home was silent, almost awkward. Hannah pulled into her driveway and told us to come inside. We walked inside and Arielle made sure to get as far away from me as possible. Maybe she really didn't love me anymore. Maybe I needed to move on. I sat down on Hannah's couch and Zack sat down next to me.

"I don't know what happened, but I think she just needs some time." Zack said turning on the tv. "It just hard seeing her and not being able to call her mine. I really screwed up and I wish I could change things." I sighed. "I know. It'll work out for the best, just give it time." he said. I focused on the show that was playing on the tv and thought about it.

What if Arielle hates me forever. What if things never work out? I got up and walked upstairs to go to the bathroom. I closed the door and pulled my jeans and boxers down to pee and the door opened and Arielle was pushed in.

"Shit. Arielle." I said trying to pulling my pants up. "Hannah, uh..." she trailed off as she watched me pull my pants up. I knew it. I chuckled as her cheeks turned red. "You could see it all the time if you were mine." I smirked. Her cheeks turned an even darker shade of red. "I'm sorry. Hannah shoved me in here. I didn't mean to interrupt." she said embarrassed. "It's fine." I said.

She walked over to the door and tried to open it but it was locked. "She must've locked it." Arielle groaned. She hit the door and said, "Hannah open the door."

"Not until you two make up." she laughed. "How?" Arielle asked. "Well I heard makeup sex is great." Hannah said laughing. If it were possible Arielle's cheek would've changed to an even darker shade of red. "I mean I'm down if you are." I laughed. She didn't say anything, instead sat down on the side of the bathtub. "Arielle I'm joking. C'mon just forgive me, please." I sighed sitting beside her.

"How do I know you aren't going to leave me again?" She asked. "I promise you, I'm never leaving again." I said looking into her eyes. She nodded and pulled me into a hug. She breathed in my scent and smiled. "I missed you so much." she breathed. "I missed you way more. Trust me." I said wrapping my arms around her.


aw make up scenes are so cute (:

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have a good Sunday cuties

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