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"Are you ready?" Arielle asked me as she walked into the room. "Beyond ready." I smiled as I kissed her lips. "I've never been to Hawaii so I'm really excited." Arielle smiled. "Me neither." I laughed. I grabbed our suitcases and pulled them down the stairs and outside. "The taxi should be here any second." she said as she grabbed her phone off the table. Sure enough the taxi pulled up and we put our stuff into the trunk.

"Hawaii here we come!" Arielle giggled as we got into the taxi. The driver started driving towards the airport and in 15 minutes we were walking through the airport to security. We went through security and then boarded the plane. We got lucky and got seats beside each other so we took our seats and waited for the plane to take off.

"So Mr. Dallas how does it feel being married?" she giggled. "Well Mrs. Dallas it's the best feeling in the world." I smiled before I kissed her lips. She leaned her head on my shoulder as we both drifted to sleep.


"Wow this place is so nice!" Arielle smiled as we walked into our hotel room. "Look at the view!" I said as I opened the sliding doors. "I already love it here." she grinned at me. "Well if we're going to be staying here for a week I think we should make it cozy in here don't ya think?" I smirked as I ran my hands down her back to her butt.

She blushed as she bit her lip and then connected our lips. I walked us backwards and onto the bed then took her shorts and tshirt off. She pulled her lips away from mine long enough to pull my shirt off and then my my shorts. I pulled my boxers down as she threw her bra onto the floor before reconnecting our lips. She groaned into my mouth as she tried to pull her underwear down. I laughed and helped her.

I quickly slammed into her as she dug into my back and moaned. I picked up my pace, making her grind her hips into me and her head roll back. Not too long after we both came and laid on the bed together. "I'm so exhausted from last night still." she giggled as she ran her hands through my hair. "We're pretty good at this, I think it should be a good hobby of ours." I chuckled. "I think I'd like that." she blushed as she laughed.

We just laid there breathing in the feeling and drifting to sleep. "Arielle?" I asked. "Hmmm?"

"I love you." I smiled as I kissed her head. "I love you lots more." she giggled and wrapped her arm around me. I smiled as I pulled her body closer to mine under the covers and fell asleep.


"We're going to swim with dolphins?" Arielle asked. I chuckled at how excited she was. "Yeah." I nodded. "Oh my gosh I've always wanted to do that!" she squealed. I laughed as she jumped around happily. "Love you." she smiled before connecting our lips. I laughed and followed behind her into the aquarium.

The instructors were explaining what we were going to be doing and showing us the dolphins. They gave us life jackets and had us go change. I went into the bathroom and changed into my swimming trunks. Once I was done Arielle asked me to tie her bikini top. Once we had our life jackets on we got into the water. "Ooh it's cold." Arielle breathed as she got in the water. I chuckled as I followed behind her into the water.

A dolphin came up to us and we ran our hands over its smooth skin. "Do you want to kiss it?" the instructor asked Arielle. "Can I?" she smiled. The instructor nodded and told her to cup it's face and pucker her lips. She did and the dolphin put its mouth on hers. Arielle laughed as the dolphin swam around her.

After we were done we changed and went to dinner. "That was so cool!" Arielle smiled as we were seated. "They acted a lot like humans." I chuckled. "I know. Lets get one!" she giggled. "No way. We're already going to have kids running around we don't need any dolphins." I laughed as I looked over my menu. "We don't have any kids yet! And besides they swim not walk." Arielle said.

"Well I thought we were trying to have a baby?" I asked. "We are." she smiled. "When does your period usually come?" I asked. "Next week." she said. I kept quiet because I didn't know what to say back to that. After we ordered our food we continued talking about kids. "Are you sure you're ready to have kids?" Arielle asked. "Yeah. Just a little scared considering what happened last time." I said.

She nodded and took a sip of her sweet tea. "I think you'll be a great father." she smiled. "And you'll be an amazing mother."

She smiled as I thought about her being pregnant. Not gonna lie it turned me on thinking about her being pregnant. I guess we'll just have to keep trying.


omg little baby Cameron's running around lolol

ugh my dad is making me get rid of my iPhone and get a Samsung Galaxy and I'm really mad about it :(

but 2 comments and 2 votes for an update (:

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