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"Cameron!" Arielle yelled. I walked out of my room and over the railing of my stairs and saw her looking up at me. "Hey." I chuckled. "Get dressed." she said. "Why?" I asked. "We're leaving." she shrugged. I went back into my room and put a pair of shorts and a tshirt on then walked downstairs. "What if my mom would've been home?" I laughed. "I was hoping they weren't. Besides your car is the only one in the driveway." she said as we walked out my back door. Once we were upfront we got into the car with Hannah and Zack.

"Where are we going?" I asked. "You'll see." Hannah said. I rolled my eyes and looked out the window. Twenty minutes later we drove up to a lake with a dock going out into the middle of it. I smiled as we got out. "We found this place a couple months ago." Hannah said.

"I didn't bring my swimming trunks." I said. "So?" Arielle smiled. She stripped out of her tshirt and shorts so she was left in only her bra and underwear. I forgot how gorgeous she was. I pulled my shirt and shorts off and walked down the dock. "Lets jump on the count of three." Arielle smiled grabbing my hand. "Okay. 1, 2, 3!" I shouted as we jumped into the water.

I held my breath and resurfaced the water. When I came back up Arielle was smiling at me. She swam towards me and wrapped her arms around my neck. I smiled and leaned forward, connecting our lips. She ran her fingers through my now wet hair and I put my hands on her hips pulling her body towards mine.

"Finally!" Hannah laughed. Arielle pulled away and blushed. Arielle moved her fingers along the line of my hair and smiled at me. I leaned forward and connected our lips once more. She smiled into the kiss and pulled away. "Come on." she blushed pulling me out of the water.

We continued jumping into the water and swimming until it started to get late. "I'm hungry." Zack said. "Me too." Arielle agreed. Once we had our clothes back on we got back into Zack's car and drove to an In-N-Out. We ordered our food and waited until they called our orders. Zack and I got the food and took it back to the table.

After we were done eating Zack drove back to my house. "Well I'll see you guys later." I said as I was getting out of the car. "I'll walk home from here." Arielle said getting out of the other side. "See ya guys later." Zack said. "And don't have too much fun!" Hannah winked, laughing.

"Bye." I chuckled. I grabbed Arielle's hand and led her into my house. My moms car wasn't in the driveway but my sisters was. "Sierra?" I yelled when we walked inside. "Coming." she yelled back running down the stairs. "Hey." she said. She smiled once she saw Arielle. "I just wanted to let you know I was home." I said. "Okay. I'm going to pick up some pizza. I'll be back in 20 minutes." Sierra smiled grabbing her keys and walking out of the door. I led Arielle up to my room and closed the door.

"Uh do you want some clean clothes?" I asked. "Yes, please." she smiled. I gave her a pair of her old shorts and a tank top. "Do you have any of my undergarments?" She laughed as her cheeks turned pink. I laughed as I looked through my drawers. Sure enough I had a pair of her panties and a bra. I handed them to her and she went into my bathroom to change. I took that time to strip out of my clothes and put on some clean ones.

When she came out of the bathroom I was laying on my bed. She sat down beside me and smiled. "What?" I chuckled. "Nothing." she giggled. "What are you staring at?" I asked. "Your lips." she shrugged. "Why?" I smirked. "Because they're nice." she blushed. "Are they now?" I grinned. She nodded and bit her bottom lip. "I'd love it if your lips met mine." I smirked. "I think I'd like that too." she smiled as she leaned down, connecting our lips.

They moved in sync until Arielle smiled into the kiss and pulled away. "Your stomach just made a weird noise." she giggled. "How did you hear it?" I chuckled. "How didn't you?" She smirked. "Sassy now aren't you." I laughed, rolling my eyes. "I guess it depends." she said crossing her arms.

"Let's watch tv." I said. I turned the tv on and flipped through the channels. "What do you wanna watch?" I asked. "Teen Wolf." she smiled. "I don't even know what that is." I laughed. She grabbed the remote out of my hand and flipped to a channel then smiled. "It is on." she smiled, proud of herself. "No, this looks stupid." I groaned. "You look stupid." she remarked.

"Your comebacks are stupid." I said as I rolled my eyes. "I couldn't think of another comeback." she laughed after a couple seconds. "Ha! I win." I smiled to myself. "We weren't playing a game though?" She said. "I was. Team Cameron has one point. Team Arielle has none." I said sticking my tongue out. "Whatever." she said crossing her arms again.

After Sierra got back we sat at the table and ate pizza. "I brought some movies back." Sierra said getting up to grab them. "Okay." I said as I put my plate in the dishwasher. We moved to the couch and put one of the movies in. "Ooh I love this movie!" Arielle smiled sitting down. "Me too." Sierra said grabbing a blanket. I sat down beside Arielle and changed my focus to the movie.


I have a huge plot twist coming up and no ones going to expect it (;

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