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I woke up and smelled vanilla. I opened my eyes and realized that Arielle was laying in my arms and her hair was in my face. I would love nothing more than to wake up with her in my arms everyday.

"Cameron? Arielle? Get up. Let's go get breakfast." Sierra said walking into the living room. Arielle groaned and sat up. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to fall asleep." she said getting off of me. "Its fine." I smiled. "Where do you guys want to go for breakfast?" Sierra asked. "Actually I should probably get home. I'm sorry." Arielle said getting up and rushing around to get her stuff. "Are you okay? You look like you're upset." I said stopping her.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine. I just really need to go." she said walking away from me. She hurriedly put her shoes on and left.

"What happened? Why was she upset?" Sierra asked. "I don't know." I said taking a deep breath and running my hands through my hair. "Well go get ready, lets go get breakfast." Sierra said walking out of the room. I went upstairs and got into the shower. What did I have to do to get Arielle back? I knew she had feelings for me, I just didn't know why she wouldn't admit it. I mean we've kissed multiple times in the past couple weeks and then she just acts like nothing happened.

After I got out of the shower and got ready I got into the car with Sierra and we went to the Waffle House.

// Arielle's Point of View //

After I left Cameron's house I rushed into my house and went into my room. As soon as the door was shut I let my tears fall. Cameron had fallen asleep after we watched the first movie last night and while he was sleeping he mumbled something. Sierra said she was going to the bathroom before she put the second movie in so I got up to grab a blanket to cover myself in.

As I was walking back over to the couch I heard what Cameron was saying. He said that he loved me and he wanted me to marry him. Before he left he told me that but hearing him say it almost a year later really hit me. Of course I still loved him I don't know why I've been being so selfish.

After I had stopped crying I got into the shower and washed my hair and body.


// Cameron's Point of View //

"So what's up? How's it been being back?" Andrew asked as I sat down. I wanted to catch up with my friends since we haven't hung out that much since I've been back. "Good." I shrugged. "Just good? I figured it be great considering you and Arielle are back together." Trevor chuckled. "Uh, we aren't." I said looking over my menu.

"Why not? I thought you were crazy about her?" Andrew said. "Yeah, I am. I just don't know how to get her admit she has feelings for me." I sighed. The waiter came and took our orders then left again. "Dude you guys are always making out. I just figured you were back together." Zack laughed. "I want to get back together but she just acts like nothing ever happened." I said taking a drink of my Pepsi.

"Make her jealous." Trevor laughed. "How?" I asked looking up. "I met a girl named Kacey and we've been hanging out a lot. Well she has a friend named Sydney and she's single. Just go on a couple dates and see how Arielle reacts." Trevor said.

"That's actually a good idea. So if you and Arielle never get back together then you and Sydney are already pretty friendly." Andrew said as he drank his sprite. "Yeah but I don't want to use her." I sighed. "Well then tell her what your plan is and see if she still wants to go along with it." Trevor said.

"Okay, have her meet us at my house after we leave." I said. "Alright." Trevor nodded. Once our food came we talked about how college and Florida was. After we were done eating we went back to my house. Both my mom and sister were gone so we went inside and sat down on the couches. "When are they coming?" Andrew asked right as there was a knock on the door. "I'll get it." Trevor said getting up to open the door.

"Hey, come in." he smiled at them. A blonde and brunette walked in as Trevor closed the door. They walked over and Trevor introduced them. "This is Sydney and this is Kacey. This is Cameron, Zack, and Andrew." Trevor said. Sydney had long blonde hair and bright blue eyes. I wasn't attracted to her like I was Arielle but she was still attractive. Kacey had medium length brown hair and brown eyes. She was also attractive.

Sydney sat down beside me and smiled. "Hi, it's nice to meet you." she smiled at me. "You too." I said. "There's a party at my friends house tonight. Would you guys wanna go?" Kacey smiled. "Sure." Trevor said.

We got into several different cars and drove to the party. The music was loud and the house was full. We walked inside and I followed behind Sydney. "Do you want a drink?" I asked as we got inside." Sure." she smiled. I grabbed her hand and found the kitchen. I grabbed two beers and handed her one. "So are you single?" Sydney asked. "Yeah, you?" I asked, smiling. "Yep, lets have some fun." she laughed as she downed her drink. I chugged mine and we started on our second one, then our third, and then our forth. By this point we were both drunk. "Let's go dance." she giggled pulling me with her onto the dance floor.

She started grinding on me so I put my hands on her hips as they swayed to the music. After dancing through a couple songs she grabbed my arm and pulled me into a room with couches. She pushed me down and climbed on top of me so she was straddling me. She slid her fingers into my hair and crashed her lips onto mine. Our lips moved in sync as her tongue grazed over my lips. I allowed her entrance as our tongues explored unknown territory.


I'm sorry about all the changing of the povs lol I'm trying to make it as clear as possible

Whatcha think?

Cameron and Arielle or Cameron and Sydney? (;

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