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"So I heard you're gonna pop the question!" Hannah smiled and yelled as she jumped onto the couch beside me. "I'm gonna what?" I chuckled. "Ask Arielle to marry you! Duh!" She laughed. "Shh. I don't want her to hear!" I said calming her down. "So you are? Oh my god I'm so excited!" She smiled. "I didn't say that. I don't know." I said.

"What do you mean you don't know? Do you wanna marry her or not?" Hannah asked as she looked at me like I was crazy. "Of course, but we just got back together and I've only been back for 3 months. I don't want to rush things." I said. "Fuck that. C'mon she's crazy in love with you and you're crazy in love with her. You can tell. She's going to say yes without a doubt." Hannah said. Hannah never curses so I was shocked. "Did you just say the f word?" I asked in complete shock.

"Yes I did, and you know I never do, so that's how serious I am about this. What's stopping you?" She asked as she scrunched her eyebrows together. "We're only 19. I don't want to freak her out." I sighed. "I'm gonna talk to her about it." Hannah said standing up. "What? No! You can't tell her I'm going to propose! I don't even know what I'm doing!" I freaked out. "I won't lover boy. Chill out." she laughed walking upstairs.

Arielle was in the shower so I had decided to watch tv until she got out and then Hannah showed up. Arielle walked out of the bathroom and Hannah said, "Hey I'm coming in I wanna talk."

I suddenly got really nervous and changed my focus to the show playing on the tv.

// Arielle's Point of View //

I got out of the shower and walked out of the bathroom in my towel right as Hannah walked up the stairs smiling. She followed me towards my room and said, "Hey I'm coming in I wanna talk."

I walked into my room as she shut the door behind her. "You're not about to tell me you're a lesbian right?" I laughed. "No no no. Vaginas are nasty." she laughed as she sat down on my bed. "Okay, cool. So what did you wanna talk about?" I asked as I walked into my closet and grabbed clothes to change into. "You wanna get married right?" She said. I stopped what I was doing and walked out of my closet.

I wasn't completely naked, I mean I had a bra and shorts on. "Yeah?" I laughed as I pulled my shirt over my head. "I was curious. Would it be wrong if Zack and I got married at 19?" She asked. "No, I mean if you're in love then you're in love. Who cares what other people think." I shrugged. "So if you were in my position and Cameron proposed to you, you would say yes?" She asked watching me intently.

I thought about it. What would I say if Cameron asked me to marry him? I truly did love him more than I had ever loved anyone before. "Yeah, yeah I would." I said nodding. I doubt Cameron wants to get married but Zack might. She smiled and hugged me. "Did Zack propose or something?" I laughed. "No, I heard a rumor that he might though so I was curious as to what you thought I should do." she smiled. "If you're happy then I say do it." I smiled as she sat down again.

"Thanks Ari. Love you." She said kissing my cheek and running out of my room. I laughed before I finished getting ready.


Really sorry about this chapter is super short ugh

BTW THEY SAID SOMETHING ABOUT LESBIANS IN THIS CHAPTER AND I JUST THOUGHT I'D POINT OUT THAT I AM TOTALLY AND COMPLETELY FINE WITH ANY SEXUALITY. I personally prefer guys but if you're gay or lesbian or whatever I totally get it. I would never judge someone for their preference of gender. I actually have a gay friend. I didn't want anyone to take that in the wrong way. So please don't take that wrong bc I have nothing against any sexuality okay who cares if you're a girl and like girls. you go boo (:

Anyways 2 comments and 2 votes for an update (:

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