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"Arielle?" I yelled as I walked into the house. I didn't hear her reply, but Hannah came back to Zack's so I knew she was here. I walked into our bedroom and saw her curled up in bed. I smiled and climbed in beside her. "Hi." She giggled as she woke up. "How was your day?" I asked. "Good. How was yours?" She smiled wrapping her arm around me. "Great, especially since I got to come home to my beautiful pregnant wife."

Her cheeks lightly heated up as she smiled and leaned forward to kiss me. "I love you so much." She said. "I love you a lot more." I smiled.


We decided to invite Hannah and Zack to dinner tonight. We met them at the restaurant and went inside. Once we were seated and we had ordered our food I asked Zack about him and Hannah. Arielle and Hannah were already in their own conversation so I didn't think they would hear us. "We worked everything out. I guess we just didn't talk about things we needed to." He said. "Well I'm glad everything is good again." I smiled. "Me too." He nodded.

"I still can't get over how cute her stomach is." Hannah giggled. "I know. I think its hot." I chuckled as I placed my hand on Arielle's thigh. She froze and bit her lip as she continued listening to Hannah talk. I started moving it up farther until she placed her hand ontop of mine and pulled it down towards her knee. I smirked as she gave me a 'stop teasing me' look.

Once our food came we talked about acting and college. Once we were done we left the restaurant and went our separate ways. "I'm glad Hannah and Zack are good again." I said. "Me too. I hate seeing them sad." Arielle said agreeing with me. We pulled into our driveway and went inside. "Let me carry you." I chuckled. She giggled and waited for me to pick her up.

I carried her bridal style upstairs and walked into our bedroom. I set her down on the bed and chuckled as she almost fell. "Why thank you my prince." She laughed. "Anything for you my princess." I chuckled. I pulled my shirt off and changed into shorts. After Arielle and I had both changed we climbed into bed.

"I wanna cuddle." She giggled moving closer to me. "Ew no you smell." I said pushing her away from me. "Cammy." She pouted. "Cammy? I thought I was baby daddy Cam?" I chuckled. "Babe." She giggled. "Say the magic word." I laughed as she thought about what to say. "Pancakes?" She asked. "What? No? That's so random." I chuckled. I laughed so hard that I had tears coming out of my eyes.

"Stop making fun of me." She pouted. "I'm sorry." I said as I continued to laugh. She got up and went to walk out of the room. "Where are you going?" I asked as I followed her. "Hannah's." She said rolling her eyes. "She's staying at Zack's." I laughed. "Fine then I'll just go there." She said crossing her arms. "Uh, you're only wearing your bra and underwear." I chuckled. "I know." She said. "Ari, you can't go out in that." I said.

"Why not?" She asked rolling her eyes again. "Because I'm the only guy who should be seeing you with nothing on." I said grabbing her hips and pulling her body to mine. I leaned in to kiss her but she didn't kiss back. "Ari." I whined. "Say you're sorry." She said. "I'm sorry baby." I said. She started laughing and ran back into our room.

I walked in confused and saw her giggling. "I can't believe you actually thought I was mad or leaving." She laughed. "You think that's funny huh?" I said as I climbed on top of her. "Yep." She grinned at me. I smiled and connected our lips. At first it was a slow passionate kiss but she trailed her hands down my torso to my growing length.

"Arielle." I moaned. "What?" She smiled innocently. "Please." I groaned. She turned so that she was sitting on top of me and smiled. "Please what?" She giggled. I kissed her again but she pushed my chest down. "Please what?" She giggled. "Please touch me." I breathed. "Nope." She laughed as she climbed off of me and laid beside me. "You're such a tease." I groaned.

"Love you." She giggled. "I'm very frustrated right now." I said. "Aw little Cammy didn't get what he wanted?" She laughed. "How are you just gonna stop." I whined. "I'm tired." She yawned. I groaned and got up to shut the light off. "Nice boner." She giggled. "Very funny." I said sarcastically. "I know I'm funny." She smiled laying her head on my chest.

"Goodnight, I love you." She said. "I love you too baby mama." I chuckled. She laughed and then pulled the blanket over us.


okay so im down to my 2 favorite girls' names. So you guys decide the winner:

Hadlee/Hadley (had-lee)


Keeley (key-lee)

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