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"Cameron do you want to go get dinner?" Sierra asked. I groaned and rolled over. "Hmm?"

"We're going to dinner, get ready." Sierra said pulling the blanket off of me and then walking out of my room. I reached out hoping to find Arielle but found an empty bed. I opened my eyes and sat up, looking around. I grabbed my phone off of my nightstand and noticed I had a text from her. It said that she had to go home because she has class in the morning. It was from an hour ago.

I groaned and got out of bed. I changed and fixed my hair then went downstairs. Once we were all ready we got into my moms car and drove to a restaurant. Once we were inside and seated we ordered our food. "I feel like we haven't spent any time together lately." my mom said to me. "I know. I've been spending a lot of time with Arielle." I smiled as I mentioned her name.

"Are you guys back together?" My sister smiled. "Yeah." I nodded. "That's good." my mom said. "So I was thinking of maybe transferring to UCLA next year..." I said afraid of their reactions. "That's great! I think you'll like it." My mom smiled. "That means I'll be seeing you around campus." my sister laughed. She was finishing her junior year as of right now. "Great." I groaned before laughing.

"Are you getting an apartment or living on campus? Or staying at home?" My mom asked. "I'm not sure yet." I said. Our food came and we ate then paid. We got back into the car and drove home. "I'm going over to Arielle's." I said before walking across the road. I knocked on the door and her dad answered it. "Cameron, come in." he smiled at me. "Hi Mr. Casper." I smiled back.

"Arielle's in the kitchen." he said letting me in and then closing the door. I walked into the kitchen and she smiled when she saw me. "Hey how was your nap?" She laughed as she moved my arms around her. "Good until you left." I smiled as I kissed her cheek. "Oh yeah, Masons been wanting to say hi. He misses you." she said walking over to the stairs. "Mason come here!" She yelled up to him.

He came out of his room and started walking down the stairs. "There's someone who wants to see you." she smiled. She walked back into the kitchen as Mason walked in. "Cameron!" He smiled hugging me. "Hey Mas, I missed you." I smiled hugging him back. "Where have you been?" He asked. "Everywhere." I sighed.

"I never see you anymore." he said sitting at their island table. "I know. I'm sorry." I said. "Will you play video games with me?" He asked getting up. "Sure." I said following him into the living room. He handed me an xbox controller and turned it on. I sat down on the couch as we started playing. We were playing Call of Duty and Mason was kicking my butt at it.

Arielle came in the room and stood in front of me. "Arielle I'm going to lose!" I whined trying to look around her. "Love me." she pouted, sticking out her bottom lip. "I already do." I said focusing on the game again. "Pay attention to me." she groaned basically sitting on my lap. "Ari, it's almost over." I said looking around her.

She leaned her head against my shoulder and ran her hands over my back. "I win!" Mason laughed. "Okay, I'm gonna go to the bathroom." I said getting up. I walked to the other side of the room where Arielle caught up with me. "Where ya going?" She smiled at me.

"You know where I'm going." I laughed as I walked quickly into the bathroom. After I was done I washed my hands and walked out of the bathroom. "Pay attention to me." she pouted sticking out her bottom lip and wrapping her arms around me.

"I like your brother more." I laughed as I sat down on the couch again. "Mason? You wanna play another round?" I asked. "Yeah!" He smiled. Arielle sat down beside me again.

"Cameron." she groaned. "What?" I smiled. "Pay attention to me." she said pouting. "After this game." I smiled. We had just started the game and Mason was already beating me. "Dude you're good at this." I chuckled. Arielle put her head on my shoulder again and started watching the game. After Mason and I finished the game Arielle got up and grabbed my hand.

I bent down and waited for her to get on my back. "What're you doing?" She giggled. "Get on." I laughed as she jumped on my back and wrapped her arms around my neck. I stood up and grabbed her legs as I ran towards the stairs. "Stop you're gonna drop me." she laughed holding onto me tightly. I slowed down as we got to the stairs and walked up them. Once we got to the top I walked to her room and opened the door. I walked over and set her down on her bed.

She laid down on her back and I crawled into her bed and laid on top of her. "Ouch, you're heavy." she groaned. "Its called muscle." I smiled. "Or fat." she laughed trying to push me off of her. "I'm offended." I said getting off of her. She wrapped her arms around me and leaned her head against my shoulder. "I'm kidding, you aren't fat." she smiled. I didn't reply. I wasn't actually mad but I was going to give her the silent treatment.

"Cam." she groaned. I turned and licked her cheek. "Ew don't lick me!" She giggled jumping away from me. I crawled on top of her and started tickling her as she squirmed everywhere. "Stop I'm gonna pee my pants!" She laughed. "Ew please don't." I chuckled as I stopped tickling her. She sat up and grabbed my face in her hands. She squeezed my cheeks together and kissed them.

"Don't do that." I said. "Why?" She asked cupping my cheeks again. "Because then I can't kiss back." I pouted. "Fine." she said. I leaned forward and kissed her lips but she didn't kiss me back. "Kiss me." I groaned. I leaned forward and kissed her again but she still didn't kiss back. "Arielle." I whined. She giggled and kissed my lips. As she pulled away she lightly bit my bottom lip.

"I like that." I said. "What?" She smiled. "When you bite my lip. That turns me on." I said. "Calm down boy." she laughed. I laughed and kissed her left cheek. I moved and kissed her right cheek, and then her forehead, and nose, then her chin, and then her lips. I pulled her bottom lip lightly before pulling away and smiled as she blushed.

She yawned and laid on her back. "I'm tired." she giggled. I laid down beside her and said, "You mind if I stay?"

"No, I already figured you were anyways." she laughed. I pulled her body to mine as she laid her head on my chest. "I love you." I smiled. "I love you way more." she said kissing my cheek. I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep with her in my arms.


wow Mackenzie you actually updated at a decent time today!!

oh yeah btw my names Mackenzie what's yours?

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