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"I wanna show you something." Arielle smiled as she grabbed my hands and pulled me up off of the couch. "What I'm trying to sleep." I groaned. "Please it's cool." she giggled. "Fine." I said as she pulled me outside with her. "First let's get ice cream." she giggled. We walked across the road to the ice cream shop and ordered our ice cream. "I decided to switch it up this time and get a cone." Arielle laughed. We both usually get vanilla ice cream in a bowl.

"Okay now come with me." she smiled. "Why do I have this feeling that you're going to murder me and leave my body in this alley?" I chuckled. "I don't even think I'm capable of that." she laughed. "Me neither actually." I said. She held her hand back and waited for me to grab it before pulling me along with her. "Where are we going?" I laughed. She smiled as we approached a yellow wall. It said 'I love you so much' on it in red.

"Us girls were walking around the other day and found this and I wanted to show you it." she smiled. "I don't have words to describe how in love with you I am." I said as I kissed her. "Remember when you didn't even know what love was?" She giggled. "Yeah, thank god you put up with me being such an ass." I chuckled. "Thank god you put up with me in general." she laughed.

"Why wouldn't I? You're seriously like perfect. You never complain about anything and that's one of the things I love about you." I smiled. "I wanna hear all of them." she said. "I'll tell you all of them tonight over dinner." I smiled. "Smooth." she laughed. "Always have been." I smirked. "Sure ya have." she giggled.

We started walking back over to the condo as she dropped her ice cream on the ground. "Aw man that's why I always get a bowl." she groaned. "You can have mine." I said as I handed it to her. "How do I know you don't know have an std?" She asked. "Well I'd hope not because then you'd have one too." I chuckled. "No I wouldn't. I barely even know you." she laughed. "That's not what you were saying last night." I chuckled.

"Cameron!" She laughed as her cheeks brightened. "What? You can make sexual jokes but I can't?" I chuckled. She rolled her eyes as she ate my ice cream. I smacked her butt as we walked across the road causing her to giggled and her cheeks to turn a darker shade of pink.


"We have reservations under Dallas." I smiled as the hostess checked a list of names. "Ah, right this way Mr. and Mrs. Dallas." she smiled grabbing some menus. "I like the sound of that." Arielle grinned as we followed her to our table. We sat down and then ordered our food and drinks. "So tell me everything you love about me." Arielle smiled.

"Hmm, where should I start?" I chuckled. "There's a lot?" She asked. I nodded as her cheeks turned red. "That's one of them. I love how every time I compliment you or say something sweet you blush." I smiled. She blushed even harder as I said that. "Your turn." I said. "I love how you don't care what anyone thinks about you." she said.

"I care what you and my mom think of me though so technically that's a lie." I chuckled. "Shush." she giggled. "I love that I can joke around with you and you won't get upset about it." I said. "I love your jokes." she smiled. "Oh and I love that every time you talk about something you love your eyes light up." I smiled at her. "I love your smile and how you're constantly smiling." she said.

"I love how nice you smell." I said. "What do I smell like?" She giggled. "Vanilla. It smells really good." I laughed. "I love how soft your hair is and how you constantly mess with it." she smiled. "I love your laugh so much that I'd tell you jokes the rest of my life if it meant I got to hear it." I smiled. "Really? I hate my laugh." she said. "Its cute." I grinned.

The waitress brought our food over to us and we ate while continuing our earlier conversation. Once we were done eating I paid and we drove back to the condo. "Come lay with me on the hammock outside." I smiled pulling Arielle towards the back door. "Carry me." she whined. I reached down and grabbed under her legs and carried her bridal style.

She giggled as I carried her outside. I set her down and climbed into the hammock. I pulled her down beside me and nuzzled my head into her neck. "What do you think your dads gonna say about us?" I asked. "He's always liked you, I'm sure he'll be happy." she smiled.

"I hope so." I said. "I transferred to UCLA." I said breaking the silence. "Really?! That's great!" She smiled kissing me. "Yeah." I said. I focused on the waves crashing onto the sand and fell asleep.


I feel like I'm making these chapters horrible but I have writers block :/

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