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"I thought Zack was proposing to Hannah?" Arielle smiled as we walked into our room. "No, I was really nervous about asking you so Hannah said she'd talk to you about it." I said. "Oh." she smiled as she played with the ring. I took my clothes off so I was in only my boxers and sat down on the bed. I watched as she smiled at the ring. "As soon as I saw it I knew I had to get it." I said. Her eyes lit up as she looked at me and I smiled knowing soon she'd be mine forever.

"Can you unzip my dress?" She smiled as she stood in front of the mirror. I got up and slowly pulled the zipper down her back. She dropped her dress to the floor and stood in her bra and panties. "You locked the door right?" She asked. I nodded as I looked at her body. She was easily the most gorgeous girl I had ever laid my eyes on. "Well are you just gonna stare or actually do something?" She giggled.

I grabbed her hands and pulled her towards me as she giggled. I connected our lips and moved my hands down her back, to her butt. She jumped a little as I squeezed it. She walked backwards to the bed and pulled me with her so I was hovering over her. She unhooked her bra and slid it down her shoulders as I started kissing her neck. She pulled my boxers down as she reconnected our lips. I pulled her panties off and grabbed a condom but before I could do anything Arielle grabbed it out of my hand.

"Let me do it." she breathed as she opened it. She slowly slid it on my length before I grabbed her hips and slowly entered her. Her head and eyes rolled back until we finished. I threw away the condom and laid down beside her again. "I love you." I breathed as I laid my head on her chest. She ran her fingers through my hair and said, "I love you so much more."


"Can you believe you're gonna be Arielle Dallas?" I smiled as we walked hand in hand into Disney. "I can't wait." she smiled. We took pictures and rode roller coasters all day and I was exhausted. "Let's go get dinner." I smiled as we left. Everyone was going their own thing today so Arielle and I decided on going to Disney. We got into the car and drove out of the parking lot. "Where to Mrs. Dallas?" I smiled as I drove. "Anywhere is good, Mr. Dallas." she giggled.

"You make the decision so hard." I groaned. "It's not the only thing I make hard." she laughed. "Did you just make a sexual joke?" I chuckled. "Maybe I did, maybe I didn't." she shrugged. "Wow, you've come a long way." I laughed as she blushed. "I'll probably never say one again." she giggled as she held my hand. "No, please do. I like them." I chuckled.

We ended up deciding on a Mexican restaurant down the road. Once we were seated we ordered our food. "I'll have two soft tacos and a side of rice." I said. "And what about you señorita?" The Mexican waiter asked. "I'll have the chicken tenders and fries." Arielle said. After the waiter left I started laughing. "What's so funny?" She asked. "Who comes to a Mexican restaurant and orders chicken tenders?" I chuckled. "I do." she shrugged. "That's weird."

"You're weird." she said sticking out her tongue. "You like it though." I said. "I don't really like you." she said rolling her eyes. "That's why you agreed on marrying me." I laughed. "You're right. I think you're sexy." she giggled. "Holy cow did the Arielle Casper just compliment me?" I chuckled. "I do all the time." she laughed. "It's usually just my butt."

"Well that's what happens when you have a nice butt." she giggled. "I guess I don't compliment yours as much as I should then." I laughed. Her cheeks turned pink as she laughed. Once our food came we ate and then paid the bill before leaving and heading back to the condo.


Filler chapters suck I know :(

Oh btw a couple people asked me how you pronounce Arielle's name and I pronounce it Air-E-L (not like the princess) haha

3 comments and 3 votes for an update (:

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