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She was straddling me and kissing down my neck. She pulled my shirt off and sucked on a sensitive part of my skin. After she was done she blew on it so that it would later leave a hickey. I moaned as she continued this process. She started palming me through my boxers as I moaned her name.

"Arielle." I moaned. "Cameron, get up." Arielle said. I opened my eyes and realized I was dreaming. Holy shit I've never had dreams like that. It felt so real. "Good morning." she giggled as I sat up. "Uh, good morning." I said scratching my neck. "So what were you dreaming about?" She smiled raising an eyebrow. "Nothing." I shrugged. "Really? You were moaning." she laughed as she put her arms around my neck.

I was embarrassed to say the least. I mean I've never had a dream like that and I'm not sure why I did. "I heard my name so at least I know it was about me." she smiled as she kissed my neck. This time I wasn't dreaming. I let out a moan as she found the sensitive skin and sucked. "It was about you." I breathed as she continued kissing my neck.

"What was I doing?" She asked. "This and then you were palming me." I said as my breathing got heavier. "Really?" She said as she pushed me down onto my bed. She straddled me and kissed down my neck, chest, and torso, until she got to the waistline of my boxers. She placed her hands on my growing member and moved them around. I moaned as she started pulling my boxers down.

She took my length in her hands and then placed her mouth at the top. She started sucking and moving her hands and mouth around on it as she watched me through her eyelashes. I felt like I was going to combust right there.

After I came and she finished she laid down beside me again. "I forgot how good at that you were." I smirked as she blushed. "Its my big lips remember." she laughed. "You're right." I chuckled as she stared at me. "What?" I asked confused. "Nothing I don't wanna make things awkward." she said looking away. "No tell me."

"You didn't have sex or anything with Sydney did you?" She asked like she was nervous. "No, actually I haven't had sex with anyone besides you since we started dating last year." I said. She looked up like she was surprised. "Are you surprised?" I chuckled. "Well yeah. You could get any girl to have sex with you." she said. Her cheeks started turning pink. "But I only wanted you. The other girls were nothing compared to you." I said.

"I love you." she smiled connecting our lips. "I love you too." I said.


"I have class tomorrow." Arielle sighed sitting down beside me. "I'm gonna be so bored." I laughed. "Let's go on a road trip." she said jumping up. "You just said you had class tomorrow." I chuckled as she pulled me up with her. "I'll skip. C'mon Cam." she begged, sticking her bottom lip out. "I like when you call me that." I said. "What? Cam?" She asked.

"Yeah." I said biting my lip. "Let's go." she laughed as she pulled me upstairs. I grabbed a bag and put some clothes and stuff in it then we went over to her house. She packed a bag and grabbed her car keys. "Oh no. I'm driving." I laughed. "Fine." she said as we walked downstairs. "My dad doesn't get home till 5 so I'll just text him." she said as we walked outside. We went over to my house and I ran inside to get my car keys.

"Hey Cam, where are you going?" Sierra asked walking into the room. "Arielle and I are going on a road trip." I laughed. "Oh okay. Have fun." she smiled. "Hey Cam I just remembered-." Arielle said walking inside. "Oh sorry. I'll wait outside." she said. She walked back outside as I told Sierra goodbye. I walked out and got into the driver side. "Do you have everything?" I asked as I closed the car door. "Yep." she smiled as I started the car and drove out of my driveway.

"So where are we going?" She grinned looking out the window. "Where do you want to go?" I smiled. "To the Hollywood sign." she giggled pulling her knees up to her chest. "Then that's where we shall go." I said as I turned onto the highway. "What's your favorite color?" Arielle asked me as she looked out the window. "Probably blue or green. What's yours?" I chuckled. "Purple." she said turning towards me. "Your favorite food is pizza."

"And yours is chicken alfredo." I smiled as I looked over at her. "Would you want to go to a college on campus?" She asked. "Yeah, I think that would be fun." I nodded. "You should transfer to UCLA next year." she grinned as she sat up. "You want me to?" I asked as I smiled. "Of course. I love being around you."

"I don't really like you though." I shrugged looking over at her. "Wow thanks. I love you too." she said rolling her eyes. "I'm kidding I love you babe." I said grabbing her hand. "Good because I love you too." she smiled squeezing my hand.

Once we got to LA we decided to get a hotel room and get some food. We went to the counter and paid for a hotel room then took our stuff up to our room. After we were done we drove to a restaurant and ate dinner.


I didn't know how to end this but I wanted to update for you guys.

I have softball almost every day and school and stuff so it's starting to get hard to update every day so if I can't update every day then I'll try for at least every other day.

2 comments and 3 votes for another update

Thanks for reading ily (:

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