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"Arielle, baby get up." I smiled as I tried to wake her up. She groaned and turned away from me. "Babe please." I said. "Why?" She asked. "Hannah's coming to get you for your doctors appointment." I said. "Carry me." She giggled as she opened her eyes. I pulled the blanket off of her and picked her up bridal style. She giggled and rested her head on my shoulder. I carried her into the bathroom and set her down on the counter then started the shower. "Get in with me." She giggled as she pulled her shirt off.

"I already showered." I chuckled. "Cam." She groaned. "What?" I smiled as I walked over to her again. She wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled my face down to hers. She lightly brushed her lips over mine and then bit her bottom lip. "Stop teasing me Arielle." I groaned. "I won't tease you if you get in with me." She smiled connecting our lips.

"Hannah's probably already on her way." I breathed pulling away. "It'll be quick. C'mon Cam." She giggled connecting our lips again. "Quick." I groaned pulling away. I quickly took my jeans and boxers off and then threw my shirt onto the floor. She pulled her shorts and panties off then threw them onto the floor. I climbed into the shower and grabbed her hand pulling her in with me.

"Your stomach is so cute." I chuckled as I looked up and down her body. She blushed and looked down at her feet. "What?" I asked. "No one has ever complimented me like you do and I don't know how to take it." She said looking up to meet my eyes. "You're so beautiful and the fact that you don't see that." I breathed. She smiled and kissed me.

She licked my lip and met my tongue, turning the kiss into a heated one. Before I knew it I was entering her as she dug her nails into my back. After we finished and had washed our bodies we got out. "Arielle?" I heard Hannah ask. I wrapped my towel around my waist and walked out of the bathroom.

"She'll be out in a second." I said. "You guys are like rabbits." Hannah laughed. I chuckled and realized my clothes were in the bathroom. "Cam, I have your clothes." Arielle giggled walking out of the bathroom. "Wait, are you covered?" Hannah laughed turning away. "No." Arielle said backing into the bathroom. "Okay, I'll be downstairs." Hannah said walking out of the bedroom.

"Is she gone?" Arielle laughed. "Yes." I chuckled. She walked out of the bathroom and smiled at me. "Here ya go." She giggled as she handed me my clothes. I grabbed them and dropped my towel before pulling on my boxers and jeans. When I turned around she had her bra and underwear on. "Oh my gosh what happened to your back?" She laughed.

"You tell me." I smirked as I pulled my shirt over my head. Once she was ready she smiled and walked over to me. "I'm leaving." She smiled. "I love you. Have a good day." I said kissing her. "I love you more." She smiled as she walked downstairs.

// Arielle's Point of View \\

"The sex must be great." Hannah laughed as we got into the car. "I wouldn't have married him it was bad." I laughed. She rolled her eyes and pulled out of the driveway onto the road. "Enough talk about me and Cam. How are you and Zack?" I asked. "I don't know. Zack has seemed so distant lately. I feel like he wants to break up." She sighed. "You guys have been together for like two years though." I said.

"I just feel like he isn't interested anymore and it actually hurts." Hannah said. I hated seeing her sad and upset. "I'm sorry Han." I sighed. "At least you got your happy ending." She smiled. I was really happy with Cameron but I hated seeing her sad. Once we pulled into the doctors I gave her a hug. "Aw your tummy is so cute." She smiled. "C'mon." I laughed.

After my doctor's appointment we got back into the car and pulled out of the parking lot. "I'm hungry lets go get some food." I laughed. "Pregnancy problems." Hannah laughed as she turned onto a different road. We pulled into a restaurant and got out. Once were we seated and had ordered our food I got a text from Cameron. He asked how the doctors appointment went. After I replied I told him about Hannah and Zack.

He said he'd talk to him about it and me to enjoy myself and he'd see me later. After Hannah and I finished eating we got back into the car and drove to the mall. We shopped all day until we had lots of bags and my feet were swollen. We got back into the car and she drove me back to my house. When I got home Cameron wasn't here so I figured he was with his mom or something and decided to take a nap.

// Cameron's Point of View \\

Shortly after Arielle left I decided to hang out with Zack. I drove to his house and knocked on the door. He opened it, letting me in, and then we sat on the couch. He asked about Arielle and the baby and how everything was. "Its great. I've never been happier than I am right now." I smiled.

"I wish I could say the same thing." He said sitting back. "What do you mean?" I asked confused. "I feel like there's something going on with Hannah. After you guys got married she started becoming distant and she won't tell me what's wrong." He sighed. "You guys always work it out. I think you'll figure things out." I said. "Maybe its because you guys got married. Do you think she expects me to propose?" He asked. "I don't know. Talk to her and see what's going on." I said. "I will. Thanks dude." Zack smiled.


Kinda ending in an awkward place but whatever

Okay so everyone wants cam and arielle to have a girl but what should her name be? Name some below and I'll have you guys vote on my favorite ones (:

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