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// Cameron's Point of View \\

"Cameron?" Zack asked as he walked towards me. I didn't say anything. "Dude, you need to come home." Zack said. "I can't. I let everyone down. I screwed over Arielle and my child." I said. "No you didn't. Arielle's at home crying because she's scared and Megan lied to you. That isn't your fault." Zack said. "What am I doing Zack? I'm such a fuck up." I yelled. "No you aren't." Zack said as he shook his head. "I'm going to be just like my father." I said.

I felt a tear fall down my face and Zack pulled me into a hug. "You are nothing like your father Cameron. Don't say that." he said. "What am I going to do?" I asked. "You're going to get into the car and come home with me and then talk to your wife. Then you are going to take care of this child and be the best father you could possibly be." Zack said. "I treated Arielle like shit. She probably never wants to see me again." I said.

"She's at your house crying because you left. She loves you Cameron and she needs you. She's two months pregnant and you can't leave her." He said. "What about the other baby?" I asked. "You're going to talk to Megan and take care of your child." Zack said. I nodded and thought about it. "You're right. That's what I need to do." I said. "So come on. You need to get home to your wife." Zack said.

I followed him into his car and he drove back to my house. The drive there was silent until we pulled into my driveway. I took a deep breath and got out of the car. When I walked inside I saw Arielle on the couch with Hannah. They both quickly looked over at us and Arielle jumped off of the couch and ran towards me. I grabbed her and hugged her as close to me as I could. I rubbed her back and breathed in the smell of her hair. "I am so sorry Arielle." I whispered into her ear.

"I'm sorry too. I should have told right when it happened." she said as she wrapped her arm around my neck. "I love you." I said. "I love you way more." she said before she quickly connected our lips. It was a slow passionate kiss and once she pulled her lips away she leaned her forehead on mine. "Please, don't ever leave me again." she said. "Never. I will never leave you." I said.

After Hannah and Zack left we sat down and talked about the baby. "I don't understand how that baby could be mine. The doctor told me it was a miscarriage." I said. "Are you sure? The baby had brown hair and brown eyes just like you." Arielle said. "If that baby is mine it would have to be around five months old." I said. "There is no way that baby was five months old." Arielle said confused. "What if she actually did have a miscarriage and she ended up getting pregnant by some other guy?" I asked.

"Do you think she would lie about something like that?" Arielle asked. "Definitely, this is Megan we're talking about." I nodded. "So she had sex not too long after she had a miscarriage and then came back to try and play it off as your baby?" Arielle asked. "I guess so. She did go out a lot when I told her I was flying back here." I said. "She's disgusting." Arielle said. "Yeah, but why would she go through all of that trouble just to make me believe that baby is mine?" I asked. "Because she's in love with you."


its getting real up in here

sorry its short im trying to leave you guys hanging (;

2 comments and 2 votes and maybe I'll update again (:

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