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"Cam you can tell I'm pregnant." Arielle laughed. "How?" I chuckled as we both looked at her in the mirror. "My stomach sticks out more." She giggled. "Pull your shirt down and see." I said. She had a pair of capris on with a flowy red v-cut shirt. "You can't tell that much unless you pull your shirt up because your shirts kinda baggy." I said.

She was only 4 weeks along but since she was so tiny before you was already gaining weight. "Well lets go." She smiled as we walked downstairs. We planned on telling everyone she was pregnant today so after today she didn't really have to hide it. We got into the car and drove to my moms house. She was having a cookout and invited everyone over. All of our friends, Arielle's dad and brother, and Brent. We decided what better time to tell them than when everyone's already together.

After a couple minutes we pulled in and went out back where everyone was. "Hey guys." We smiled. Everyone was already here except for Trevor and Andrew. "Cam can you help me for a second?" My mom asked. "Sure." I smiled following her inside. Arielle's dad was grilling cheeseburgers while my mom made some side dishes. Once we were inside away from everyone else she handed me a stack of paper plates.

"So when are you gonna tell everyone?" She smiled. "Later today." I chuckled. "How far along is she?" She asked. "About 4 weeks." I said. She handed me some plastic silverware and we carried everything outside. "Sorry we're late. I hope you don't mind we brought along some people." Trevor said as he walked into the backyard. Kacey and Sydney were with them and smiled at us.

"No, the more the better." My mom smiled. We all got some food and sat down. "I'm seriously starving." Arielle laughed as we sat down. I chuckled and grabbed us two bottles of water. After we were all done eating Kacey excused herself to go to the bathroom. "So are you guys official yet?" Hannah asked Trevor. "As of yesterday." He chuckled. "Congrats! Who would've thought Trevor would ever settle down with one girl." Zack laughed.

"I really want some ice cream." Arielle groaned. "Damn Ari, you eat as if you're pregnant." Hannah laughed. We didn't say anything and Arielle's cheeks turned pink. "Are you?" Hannah asked as everyone focused on us. I smiled as Arielle nodded. "Oh my gosh I'm gonna be an aunt!" Hannah laughed. "Congratulations!" Sierra smiled. Everyone else started congratulationing us too.

"How far along are you?" Arielle's dad asked. "4 weeks." She smiled. "Aw I can't wait to meet the little thing." Hannah smiled. I chuckled as everyone started talking about the baby. "When do you find out the sex?" Sydney asked. "In a couple weeks." Arielle smiled. "Wait I wanna see your stomach. How have you hid it so well?" Hannah laughed. Arielle stood up and pulled her shirt up.

"Aw its so tiny I can't wait." Hannah smiled. Once we were all done eating my mom made a fire. We pulled chairs around it and sat down. Arielle sat down on my lap amd leaned her head against my shoulder. She whispered, "I love you," into my ear and smiled. "I love you more." I said as I kissed her forehead.

"Ari we need to have a girls day. I feel like we haven't hung out in forever." Hannah said. "I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow. We could go to lunch and shopping afterwards if you want." Arielle smiled. "Sounds good. I'll pick you up. What time?" Hannah asked. "My appointment is at noon."

"Okay, I'll be there at 11:30." Hannah smiled. "Okay." Arielle said. After sitting beside the fire for a while Arielle's dad said he was gonna head home. Arielle and I got up to walk him outside. "Cameron?" Mason asked me. "Yeah buddy?" I smiled. "Am I gonna have a little brother?" He asked. "Kinda. You'll either have a niece or a nephew." I chuckled. "I don't know what that is but I'm excited!" He smiled. "I'm happy for you guys." Arielle's dad smiled. "Thank you."

"I'll see you guys soon. Love you." He said hugging Arielle. "Love you too. And I love you Mas." Arielle giggled. "Bye guys!" Mason smiled as they left. We decided that we should leave too because she had a doctor's appointment in the morning. We told everyone goodbye and then got into our car and went home.


I hope you guys aren't annoyed by my authors notes :/

What do you think the gender of the baby should be?

2 replies to that question for an update (;

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