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"Bye Cam we'll be back later." Arielle smiled before kissing me. "I'll miss you." I groaned as she walked away from me. "I love you." she giggled as she walked outside. I sat down at the table and messed with my phone until Zack walked in. "Did they leave?" He asked. "Yeah." I said. "Let's go." he said. I took a deep breath and stood up.

Arielle, Hannah, Kacey, and Sydney decided to have a girls day and go shopping. I decided last night I was going to buy an engagement ring for Arielle. Why not start the rest of our lives now?

"I'm so scared dude." I told Zack as we got into the rental car. "Why? You know she's gonna say yes." Zack said as he got into the driver seat. "What if she doesn't? Or what if I mess up or something?" I asked. "It'll work out. I promise you." he said as he pulled out. We drove to a Kay Jewelers and went inside.

"Hi, can I help you with something?" A middle aged woman asked. "Yeah, we're looking for a size 6 engagement ring." I said. "You'll find those right here." she smiled. We followed her over to the glass they were in. I looked at all of them and knew exactly which one I wanted when I saw it. "Can I see that one?" I asked as I pointed to it. "Sure." she smiled as she unlocked the case and handed the ring to me. It had one big diamond in the middle and two smaller ones on both sides of it.

There were little diamonds all along the bigger diamonds and halfway down the ring on both sides. It was gorgeous. "I want this one." I said. "Sure, come over here." I ended up paying for the whole thing with my savings. "I'm even more nervous now." I said as we got back into the car. "Don't be." Zack said.


"Are you ready for dinner?" I asked as I walked into the room Arielle and I were sharing. She was looking in the mirror as I walked in. Her long hair was straight and she had a white lacey dress on. She looked gorgeous. "You look beautiful." I smiled. "Thank you." she smiled back at me. "This place is probably so expensive." she said. "It doesn't matter." I shrugged.

We walked downstairs and met up with everyone then walked outside. The restaurant we were going to was really fancy. It was right on the beach, like the area where we were eating at was a nice patio on the beach. We walked down the beach and told them we had reservations under Dallas. They took us to our table and we sat down. "Are you gonna do it tonight?" Zack whispered to me.

I took a deep breath and nodded. He smiled in response as we ordered our food and kept the conversation going. Arielle was sitting beside me and interlaced our fingers together. Eventually we got our food and ate it. After everyone was done we were sitting there in silence. Zack was the only one who knew I was going to propose. I took a deep breath and said, "Can you let me out? I need to use the bathroom."

"Yeah, sure." she smiled as she got up. "Okay, now that you're up..." I trailed off. "Can I have everyone's attention?" I asked. Everyone stopped what they were doing and the restaurant went silent. I took a deep breath and grabbed Arielle's hands. "I have no idea how to start this and I'm really nervous right now so here goes nothing. Arielle Casper I love you more than I ever thought imaginable. Your smile lights up my entire day and hearing your laugh makes me beyond happy. Arielle, will you spend the rest of your life with me and marry me?" I asked as I got down on one knee and pulled out the engagement ring.

Her cheeks turned bright red and she made eye contact with me. I had no idea what she was going to say. Tears started freely falling out of her eyes as she looked back down at the ring. She nodded and smiled widely. She pulled me up and said, "Yes."

She cupped my face with her hands and kissed me. I smiled and slid the ring on her finger. "I love you." she said kissing me again. "Trust me, I love you way more." I smiled as the restaurant erupted in clapping and congratulations.


Aw yay

So I've been having really bad pain in my leg and I found out today that I have shin splints and it hurts so bad I'm almost in tears :(

But 2 comments and 2 votes for an update

ps: make the comments about if you think they're too young or whatever bc I'm curious lolol

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