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"Can you believe that we only have a couple more days left here?" Arielle groaned as she laid down on the bed. "Then we get to go back and answer all the questions about how it was." I chuckled. "Sounds exhausting." She laughed. "Maybe its because you're so lazy." I said. "Coming from the laziest person I know." She laughed as she turned onto her back.

I shrugged and sat down beside her. "Lets go get drunk." Arielle laughed as she sat up and climbed off of the bed. "We still aren't legally allowed." I chuckled. "So we still have those fake IDs." She said. "I like the way you think." I grinned as I stood up beside her. We changed and then grabbed the IDs before leaving. We went to over of the local bars and ordered some drinks.

We got a round of shots

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