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// Arielle's Point of View //

"What were you guys doing in there?" Trevor laughed as we came back outside with everyone. "Talking." I said walking away from Cameron. I sat down beside Hannah in one of the sun chairs and ran my fingers through my hair. "Makeup sex good?" She giggled. My cheeks turned bright pink as I looked down. "So it is?" she laughed hitting my arm. "Stop." I said trying not to laugh.

"It wasn't in my room though right?" She asked afraid of the answer. "Ew no." I said. "C'mon let's get in the pool." Hannah laughed pulling me up. I followed behind her as Cameron came over and smacked my butt. "Cameron." I laughed as I walked into the pool. "Round two?" He smirked as he followed me into the pool. "Shhh." I said blushing. I walked into the pool until the water was up to my waist as Cameron followed.

"So what about Sydney?" I asked. "I told her what happened and apologized. She seemed cool with it because she said Andrew was hot." he laughed looking over at them. They were talking and laughing about something on two chairs. "Good." I smiled. "So you were jealous?" He smirked putting his hands on my hips. "Hmmm, maybe." I smiled. He put his lips on mine and pushed me against the pool wall. I wrapped my hands in his hair and kissed him back.

"God I love you." he breathed pulling away from my lips. I kissed him again and pulled on his bottom lip earning a moan. I loved his moan. I kissed him again and felt his hands work there way down to my behind. I moaned into his mouth as he squeezed it. "Please stop." Hannah laughed. I pulled away as my cheeks heated up again.


"We only have two more weeks until summer break." I said sitting down beside Cameron on Hannah's couch. "This summer is gonna be great." Zack said. "What about vacation?" Cameron asked smiling. "I say Florida again!" Hannah said as she walked into the room and sat on Zack. "That was a fun trip." I smiled remembering how Cameron and I started dating at Disney. "Okay." Cameron nodded.

I'm actually surprised he's okay with it considering thats where he went with Megan. "Well I'm tired so I'm gonna go home." Cameron yawned as he stood up. "Me too." I said standing up beside him. "Goodnight." Hannah smiled. "Night." Cameron and I said at the same time. We laughed and grabbed our stuff. "See ya tomorrow." Zack smiled as we walked outside.

"Goodnight." Cameron smiled at me as he grabbed my hips. He leaned down and kissed my lips as I wrapped my arms around his neck. "Mmmm. Can't I stay with you?" I asked as he pulled away. "You want to?" He grinned. I nodded and bit my bottom lip. He smiled and grabbed my hand as we walked down Hannah's driveway towards his house.

As we walked inside his mom and sister were sitting at the table with Sierra's boyfriend. "Hey guys." Cameron smiled. "Hey, how was your day?" His mom asked smiling. "Good. We're gonna go to bed. I'm exhausted." he chuckled. "Okay, goodnight." she said. Cameron and I started walking towards the stairs as his mom said, "Oh and it was nice seeing you Arielle."

"You too Gina." I smiled at her. We went upstairs and he closed the door behind us. He grabbed clothes and went into his bathroom to change. I think I had sunburn because I felt extremely hot, so I took my shorts and tank top off. I mean I've slept in my bra and underwear before so it shouldn't be that big of a deal. Cameron walked out of the bathroom and said, "I think I got sunburned today but..."

He stopped when he saw me and took his eyes up and down my body. I blushed and watched him. "I'm really hot. I got sunburned." I said shyly. "Me too." he said turning away from me. He went into his closet and grabbed a tshirt. He threw it at me and scratched the back of his neck. "Uh, at least put this on or I won't be able to stop staring at you." He laughed.

I giggled and pulled the shirt over my head. It was big on me but I didn't mind. I liked wearing his clothes. I climbed into his bed and waited for him to turn off his lights. Once he did he climbed in beside me and pulled my body to his. "I missed this." he breathed. I put my head on his bare chest and breathed in the feeling of his arms around me. It was definitely something I missed.

"Me too." I smiled. We sat in silence for a few minutes just taking in the feeling and enjoying each other's company before I broke it. "Can I ask you something?" I asked as I laid my hand on his torso. "Anything." he said. "When you left what happened? Like what exactly happened after you got off your plane?" I asked curiously. "Well Megan had gotten a two bedroom duplex. So I moved my stuff into there and then applied for online college. We went to her regular checkups for a couple weeks and then one night she started screaming in the bathroom." He said.

"I ran in and there was blood all over her. I rushed her to the hospital and they took some tests. They eventually told us that she had a miscarriage from natural causes. It was really sad. Megan was really upset and didn't talk much. I tried to stay positive but eventually I knew I needed to leave. I missed you more and more everyday that I was there. Megan eventually started talking more and making friends and she actually turned into someone I would want to be friends with."

"I called my mom with the news and talked about coming back. A couple weeks later I was on a plane back here." he said. "I'm really sorry about what happened." I sighed as I thought about how sad he must've been. "Its not anyone's fault." he said. I didn't know what to say so I kept quiet. "Ya know the first day I was back my mom was talking about you. She actually talked me into going over to talk to you." he smiled.

"Really?" I asked smiling. "Yeah. You looked even better than you did when I left and I wanted to make out with you really bad." He laughed. I blushed and remembered the day he came back. "I wouldn't have complained. I mean I was angry but I wouldn't have actually hated it." I giggled at him. "It was weird though because as Hannah was talking the only thing I could think about was how big and nice your lips looked." he laughed. "I wasn't listening to her either. I was thinking about how good you smelled." I laughed along with him.

"Then why did you act like you hated me? We could've been making out!" He chuckled. "I kept telling myself not to tell you I still had feelings for you but that day we went to LA I knew I wasn't going to be able to hide it much longer." I blushed as I remembered that day. "That was a fun day." he grinned. "So was the day we went to that lake!" I smiled.

He yawned and pulled the blanket up farther. "I love you." he breathed. "I love you too Cam." I smiled. "Goodnight."


Happy Easter (:

I start school again tomorrow :(

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