39- Love Triangle

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My mind is cloudy with thoughts of yesterday. Her fingers moving inside me, her lips on my neck—no one has ever done that to me. I have done more with Sadie than I have with Harry. He hasn't even French kissed me.

When I think of Sadie, I feel hot and bothered, but when I think of Harry, I think of...

I let out a groan on my pillow. Harry has always been my high school crush. Sadie was my bully.


Her hazel eyes appear in my mind, dark and hooded with attraction for me. She's like a predator, and I'm the prey. I feel my body shiver at the thought of her tongue inside me, like I read in that erotic novel.
I moved my hands between my legs and felt myself soaked. I move my fingers gently as I think of Sadie. Soft moans and whimpers escape my mouth.

"Sadie," my phone rings, breaking me out of my trance.

Feeling frustrated, I pick it up from my nightstand and look at the name on the screen.

I take a moment before I answer.


"Hey, oompa loompa, you disappeared yesterday. Didn't you see my texts?" Harry asks.

I hate when he calls me that.

"Yeah, umm, I'm sorry," my voice breaks. I feel so guilty. After doing so much to get his attention, and now that I finally have it, I'm going to break his heart.

"I was just worried about you. I asked my dad if you said anything, and he told me you rushed out without saying a thing. Did something happen?" He asked, worried.

"Well, is there anything you want to tell me?" I said instead. I'm still upset that he never told me about the engagement. So we both had our own secrets.

"Wha-what do you mean?"

"What did Sadie tell you that day?"

"Tiger, listen, I promise I will tell you, but I just want to know if you're okay."

I feel like he is dodging my question.

"Why did you want to be with me after all these years? You only noticed me when I changed myself." Tears begin to well in my eyes. "You never noticed me in my freshman year. Sadie did. You didn't even notice that it was me at camp. Sadie would."

"Wait, Tiger, what does this have to do with Sadie?" He panicked.

"Nothing. You're the one getting married to her." For some reason, my voice sounded bitter, but not because I was jealous of Sadie.
I'm jealous of Harry.

I want to scream in frustration, but I can't. I do have feelings for Harry. I told him I loved him, but he has only treated me mostly like a sister. Especially at camp. He knows me more than Sadie does, but Sadie liked me when I wasn't getting attention. She was the only one giving me attention in her own way, in the form of bullying nonetheless, but she explained that to me. She never once took things too far with the bullying, like getting me beat up.

"Tiger I promise I was going to tell you; I was just waiting for the right time. It's my father; he"

"It was him who told me."

"Bloody hell. I swear, Tiger. I do not want to marry Sadie. I have no feelings for her. I want you."

I want you.

Those words repeated in my head, but I heard Sadie instead.

"I'll see you later. Bye."
I hang up the phone quickly and inhale deep breaths.

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