20- I Miss You...

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"No, I don't miss you... Not in a way that one is missed.
But I think of you.
In the way that one might think of the summer sunshine
On a winter night..."
-Sreesha Divakaran

"-Sreesha Divakaran

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"Hey Liam, no party tonight?" I ask my brown-haired friend. It's Friday, and I automatically expect them to be hosting a party or going to one.

"Nah, we decided to just hang out at Louis's place. You're invited, of course." He shrugs his shoulders. I came to realize that Liam is the more laid-back one in the group. Niall is the kindhearted one, Louis is the teaser, Zayn is the cocky one, and, well, Harry, he's just a mixture of them all except way more fun.

"Louis?" I baffle, my voice laced with surprise. "I thought he lived on the street."

"I heard that!" I hear Louis Holler in front of us. No rehearsals were held today, so we had free time after school.

"So who else is coming?" I asked Liam.

"Niall, Zayn, Iris, Cooper, Lia, and some girl named Brittany Louis invited her." He says this to me blatantly as he walks beside me. "No word from Harry as yet. You can invite your mystery person if you want, so we can finally know who it is you're getting dressed up in the mornings for."

I stop at my car. "Yeah. Maybe I will." I blushed crimson at the thought of Sadie. It's about time I let my friends know I'm dating her. It's been a day into the relationship, but I can't wait. I'm surprised that the school didn't find out already. Only Lia knows, and I can just bet she told Cooper already. We have our date tomorrow, and I am nothing but excited.

"What time should I come over?" I inquire.

"Probably six. I really don't care. Come whenever you want." He shrugs his shoulders, seeming bored or tired. I really can't tell with Liam.

"Louis, text me your address." I holler at Louis, who is standing two cars down by his jeep.

"I thought I lived on the street." He jokes.

I shake my head and mumur later to Liam. Starting the engine of my car, I hear my phone ring.

"Hello?" I answer.

"Where are you?" Lia questions me. She sounded out of breath. I probably got physical with Cooper before she called me.

"I'm in my car about to leave school; what's up?" I look out my window in search of her. "I thought you had already left with Cooper."

"Oh yeah, I did. You're coming to Louis's place, right?" She finally asks what she wants to find out.

"Yes dear." I smile on my phone.

"Yay!" She squeals. "Are you bringing your girlfriend?"

"I'm not sure. If she isn't busy, then I think she will come." I reply, putting the phone on loud speaker, then casually reverse out of the space I was in.

Vanilla Girl (girlxgirl)Where stories live. Discover now