46- Amelia

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Everyone stared at me, quietly answering my question.

"I mean, is she ready?" I ask out loud. "Are they ready to have a baby?"

"We don't know. But she looked really sick this morning. They had to leave school to get to the hospital," Niall replies.

"Shit!" Sadie curses under her breath.

"Lia, did you see her?" I ask my best friend.

"I saw when she was leaving. She looked as if she were in serious pain."

"We have to go to the hospital, guys," I announce at our cafeteria table.

"That sounds like a good idea. But we should call first to see if they're even still there," Liam responds.

I nod twice.

Something did feel off when we had that party at Liam's house. She avoided all alcohol, which I found very weird since she loved having glasses of wine.
They were both talking in quiet tones too, but I was never going to point it out.

I had my own secrets at the time.

By secret, I mean Sadie's face between my legs while Harry's knocking on the other side of the door.

Speaking of my ex-boy crush, he approaches our table, making eye contact. I move my attention to my water bottle, taking a sip of its pure contents.
I heard a rumor that he and Galeria are now together. I'm not mad. I'm actually happy for him, but the thought still bugs me that they were fooling around behind my back.

I can't blame him for being attracted to her. Her beautiful brown skin is like warm honey. If I had met her at some random place, I would definitely have had a crush on her.

But I know her as the college girl who seems to hold Harry's attention quite well.

"Hey," Harry says loud enough so everyone can hear.
There were a few murmurs in response, and the group was still a bit solemn, worrying about Iris and Zayn.

"I was thinking of leaving now to go to the hospital. I want to be there with Zayn as bro support," Harry continues. "Anyone want to come with?"

"Now?" Sadie asks.

"We were planning on going after school," I add.

"That sounds like a good plan too. I just figured I would go earlier," Harry replies, making eye contact with Sadie for the first time.

"Do what you gotta do then," Sadie says.

I stare between the two of them and notice there's still tension.

I clear my throat loudly.

"We'll catch up with you later, Harry," I say to him. He gives a gentle nod.

"I'm going to go with Harry," Niall says.

"Yeah, me too. Zayn must be shitting himself right now," Liam runs his hand through his hair and says.

Iris was never outspoken about her troubles with the group. She spoke to Zayn and him only. She rarely spoke in general. If she takes a few shots, she's a different person.

"I'm going to go catch up with Lia," I whispered in Sadie's ear after they left. She gives a nod of reassurance. I give her a smile before turning towards Lia across the table, who was busy eating pizza and talking to her boyfriend.

"Lia," I call her. "DTT?"

DTT: Down to talk.

She nods twice with a mouthful of vegetarian pizza.
I watch her slowly finish what's in her mouth, then lean over and kiss Cooper's cheek.

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