31- Intoxication II

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"My God, a moment of bliss. Why, isn't that enough for a whole lifetime?"
-Fyodor Dostoyevsky,



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Harry's POV

"Hey, let's go home. I want you to do those things to me again." Galeria whispers in my ear, her voice low and husky. My body was definitely responding to her, and she blew my whistle surprisingly well, but mentally, I was far away. I didn't like the fact that I kissed her in front of Vanilla Girl, but I don't know why that was.

I draw away from Galeria to look at Tiger.

"What the?"

"What is it?" Galeria inquires.

"Where did Vanilla Girl go?" I look over at the massive crowd in search of that innocent face with red lipstick.

"Who?" Galeria baffles. I shrug her off, suddenly annoyed by her.

"I gotta go." I say it flatly and walk off. She hollers at me, but I continue to push through the crowd of drunkards away from her.

Why did Vanilla Girl go off all on her own? Look at this crowd. Not one of these people is under the age of seventeen. The majority come from Galeria's college, while a lesser amount are seniors from Gold Valley. I don't trust anyone here other than my friends, and with all these hormonally drunk pervs, one might attempt to make a move on Vanilla Girl.

I won't let that happen. I would bloody kill myself if some douche touched my girl.

Yeah, I said it. Tiger is my girl. If anyone wants to get with her, they have to go through me. Sadie got away with it, and she messed up the poor vanilla girl. I won't let that happen again. Niall was good for her, but then that bitch Mayverick messed things up between him and Tiger.

I still can't see why Niall is so drawn to Mayverick the bitch. She's not that much of a bitch like Sadie, but I could bear with Sadie. She had a good vibe going on with her, and it was nice to have a lesbian friend. It made me look even cooler to see that she's hot.
However, that friendship was ruined the minute she called out Vanilla Girl in front of everyone. That was shitty of her.

I see Lia and Cooper dancing nearby.

"Where is Vanilla Girl?" I ask them loud enough so they can hear. I look at Lia expectantly, since she's her best friend. To my disappointment, she shrugs her shoulders.

"I thought she was with you. Did you lose her?"Her voice was laced with panic.

"Oh shite." I run my hand through my hair, looking in the vicinity for the red-faced oompa.

"Let me guess. Galeria distracted you." Cooper narrows his eyes at me. My face contorts with disgust. His face is just a reminder that we're now family, and my anger boils. My shy father is the cause of this. I made a promise to myself that I would never treat a girl the way he treated my mom.
Unfaithfulness is a vile thing. So far, I haven't been unfaithful to any girls. Even though what we shared wasn't serious,

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