35- The Talk

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"I could not tell you if I loved you the first moment I saw you, or if it was the second or third or fourth. But I remember the first moment I looked at you walking toward me and realized that somehow the rest of the world seemed to vanish when I was with you."
-Cassandra Clare


This girl, whom I've known all my life, has been missing something, or maybe someone. She carried around this feeling deep inside for someone that she never thought would end up feeling the same in return.

This girl has so many questions to ask, like:

When did it happen?

When did you realize that you'd fallen for me?

Is it love that you feel towards me, or is it just infatuation?

Is it lust? If so, please. I don't think I can deal with just that.

This girl is unconditionally in love with you, and to think that you only feel lust towards her, which is only temporary,

It's heartbreaking.

This girl craves a relationship with you that's kind, genuine, sincere, patient, filled with heart-pumping satisfaction, breathtaking affection, trustworthiness, romance-filled, passion-induced, sweet loving kisses, and forever after.

Is it too much to ask for?

Is it too much to ask that whenever you walk with me, you entwine your fingers between mines because there's nothing else that ever felt so right?

This girl loves you. Do you love her too?

My hands are jittery and sweaty, my heart is fast-paced, and my breathing is erratic as I sit impatiently waiting for you to come.

After our kiss, the bell rang, so we had to depart. You told me we had to talk about it—the kiss—and I didn't argue with you at all. I was more than eager to know what's going through that brain of yours.
It's amazing how the day started with me almost on my death bed and ended with me waiting to have a talk with you because we so happened to share a kiss.

Not just any kiss. This one had my mind spiraling, and I couldn't focus at all during my remaining classes.

The sound of a car engine came to a stop outside of my house, and I think I just lost the ability to breathe. In fact, I feel like I'm about to faint.

The sound of footsteps grows louder and louder, and with each step, my heart beat increases its pace. The footsteps finally come to an abrupt stop, and the sound of the doorbell bounces off the walls of the living room, echoing in my head.

My body moves forward towards the door, and my trembling, sweaty hand rests on the doorknob.

I inhale a steady breath to calm my nerves just a bit, and in doing so, the taste of your lips drifts back to memory.
Minty with a hint of pizza because you had just eaten your lunch. I, on the other hand, haven't eaten anything since breakfast. My stomach is filled with butterflies, and I have neither room nor appetite for anything substantial.
The butterflies will do for now.

I slowly turned the doorknob, and you came into view. Your emerald eyes were glistening brightly, and your pupils dilated. Your lips are curved upward into a nervous smile, which quite surprises me a bit. You. Nervous. That's absurd!

"Tiger, you're staring again." Your lips move. Mine, on the other hand, couldn't. I stand there frozen under your gaze. I hear the sound of a giggle from you, and your mouth moves once more. "Are you going to let me in?"

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