26- Pastel Room

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"You care so much for that special person because it feels like that person is part of you."
-Sandra Villa

"-Sandra Villa

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It's approximately 10:45 p.m., and my dad just got home. Harry and I have been sitting on the front patio, waiting for his arrival. He approaches us looking exhausted after a day's work.

His eyes fill with curiosity as he sees Harry.

"Tiger." He addresses me. Both Harry and I stand.

"Dad, this is my friend, Harry Styles." I introduced him.

"Styles as in the Styles Corp." My dad inquires. "Son of Desmond Styles?"

Harry nods. "Yes sir." Dad looks over at his attire keenly. He looks up with a polite smile. "Your dad and I have a rather interesting history."
"You can come in if you'd like. It's freezing out here. I'm not sure why Tiger here kept you out here." My dad gives me a disapproving look.
We go inside the warmth of my home.

"So what are you kids doing so late? It's a school night, you know." My dad says this as he walks into the kitchen. Harry and I follow behind.

"I was, um, I wanted to talk to you." My voice comes out as a whisper. I take a gulp. I don't know how he's going to react. He seems calm, so that's good, or maybe he's just tired. That, on the other hand, isn't good. Dad closes the fridge and turns to face me, looking confused.

"About what, honey?" I breathe a sigh of relief as he calls me that. It's a good sign. He isn't upset anymore.

"About this morning." I say it more confidently.

"Oh. I wanted to talk to you about that as well." He pauses and looks at Harry, who is standing quietly behind me. "Do you mind waiting in the living room?"

Harry looks at me. I bite my bottom lip, my nerves getting the best of me again. I can't do this without Harry.

"Tiger, did you ask him to stay because you're nervous to talk to me about this?" My dad finally saw the picture. He would've sooner or later. He understands me better than my mom. I give him a slight nod.

"I don't feel comfortable talking to you about this while he is here, but if it makes you comfortable, it's fine." He waves us over to the living room. Harry sits beside me on the big couch while my dad sits in the recliner to our left.

"Before I begin, how did you two become friends?" Dad looks at both of us curiously. A smile appears on my face.

"Well, I volunteered at Camp Musique in the summer. Tiger here was sort of responsible for me seeing that I was new there." Harry explains smoothly. He meets my gaze with a smirk. "We automatically became friends. Best friends at that." He adds. My insides feel warm as I meet his emerald gaze.

I return my attention to dad. "Yeah, that's pretty much it." I brag.

"And you attend Gold Valley as well, I assume." Dad plays with his beard.

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