9- First for Everything

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"Sometimes, you get things right the first time. Others, the second. But the third time, they say, is the charm."
-Sarah Dessen


There is a first for everything. There is that first breath of air you take when you're born—the first day of kindergarten, the first day of high school, the first kiss, the first date, the first love, the first heartbreak—you get the gist.

But it's quite funny how you imagined what your life would be like, how everything would turn out, and that at the end of the day, it'll never go as planned. But some things

Some things do work out for the best. When life gives you a low, there is always a high coming right after. It's best to just be grateful for everything. Both the highs and the lows of life. both expected and unexpected.

My life was changing right before my eyes. I could see the massive change coming, but I didn't know that I would be digging myself into a hole in the end.

"So where are we going?" I asked Niall with excitement.

"I'm taking you to a number of places." He vaguely answers with a smile. "I didn't know your hair was that long." He changes the subject.

I run my fingers through my hair. "Yeah. I just wore it in a bun every day at school. I decided I wanted a change. It doesn't look bad, does it?" I began to panic.

"No. Your hair is quite beautiful." He says. His accent is thick. It sounded familiar, but I can't remember exactly the origin of it.

"Thank you." Blood rushed to my cheeks as I thanked him. "Where are you from, Niall?"

"Oh, I'm from Ireland. I moved here two years ago." Yes! He's Irish. That's the accent.

"Oh right. I totally forgot." I slapped my head with my palm. Everyone at school knew where he was from the minute he entered the school. He clicked with Harry's group immediately. He and Liam became best friends.

"Don't worry about it." An Irish boy smiles at me. He sure can smile. He has such a warm spirit; it's intoxicating in a grand way.

"Oh, Ty, I tend to smile a lot when I'm nervous." He laughs nervously. He's nervous, then?

"I make you nervous." I ask incredulously. That's impossible.

"Yes. This entire date does. I don't want to mess up, partly because it's my first date in a long time since my breakup with Maverick." He confesses to me.

I heard about their breakup because their relationship was quite public because of Maverick. She ended up cheating on him with some guy. He was heartbroken. I remember being so upset at her. Who would hurt such a kind soul as Niall? It was absurd.

"Well, Niall, this doesn't help one bit. We can't both be nervous." I giggle nervously. "And it's best if I'm honest with you. This is my first date ever."

His eyes widen with shock as he looks my way for at least three seconds before returning his gaze back on the road.

"Really?" He gasps. "So, you've never had a boyfriend before."

I shake my head.

"Well then." He grins. "I'm going to make this day count. I really want you to enjoy your first date, so in the future you'll look back and still say this was your best date ever."

I blush slightly. Why does he have to be so sweet with me?

"Don't jinx it now." I laugh nervously.

He pretends to zip his mouth shut and throw away the key.

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