25- Bike Boy

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**British word for french fries: chips


"There is never a time or place for true love. It happens accidentally, in a heartbeat, in a single flashing, throbbing moment."
-Sarah Dessen

"-Sarah Dessen

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Whitley ^^


"You know what..." He pauses. "Let's go somewhere after rehearsals, and we can talk there."

"That sounds much better." I sigh. I feel better knowing that I won't have to explain myself, seeing that I'm having a problem focusing on Harry himself. My mind is still on Sadie and the way she made me feel. I don't know how I'm going to stay focused in rehearsals, but let's see.

"Tiger, you have something on your neck." Harry points this out, staring at my neck speculatively. I slapped my hand over my neck, my face going crimson. It can't be what I think it is.

"You've got a hickey, and I didn't see it this morning. So that means you just got it, and I'm guessing it's from Sadie since she's your girlfriend and you just came out of the locker room looking rather flushed." The way he talks makes me feel like I did something behind his back and was caught red-handed. I feel horrible.

"Harry..." I truly don't know what to say. I feel guilty, but why do I feel that way when Harry and I aren't together?

"Don't worry about it. Mrs. Penelope won't see it because she doesn't really go within talking distance of the orchestra. She uses a microphone." He chuckles lightly.

"Oh right." We enter the auditorium to see the cast up on stage and Mrs. Penelope there with them. I spot Louis in the audience drooling at Brittany in pigtails, who is attempting to touch her nose with her tongue. Beside Lou is Liam, as always, laid back in the chair with his feet propped up on the chair head in front of him, seeming rather relaxed.

Lia comes rushing towards Harry and me.

"It's about to go down." She grins mischievously.

"What is?" Harry asks before me.

"Elimating my competition" She rubs her palms together. For a second, I thought she was going to break out in an evil laugh. "Whitley Davis"

"You're going to kill her?" Harry's voice was pitched. "Do it discreetly. I do not want to hear my father's wrath for at least another month."

"She's not going to kill her." I shake my head at Harry.

"I was planning on it, but that would ruin my life plan." Lia smirks. She turns her back to us.

"Attention everyone!" Her voice echoes throughout the auditorium. Everyone turns to look at her questionably. Even Mrs. Penelope Lia walks up on stage and takes the microphone from her gently. Harry and I walk closer to the stage.

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