16- Anger or Hunger

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"To find out if she really loved me, I hooked her up to a lie detector. And just as I suspected, my machine was broken."
-Dark Jar Tin Zoo

"-Dark Jar Tin Zoo

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I have always loved the flowers and the birds, the sunlight, and the clouds that drift by. I have always loved the way the leaves move in a breeze and that soft whispering sound they make, like nature loves to chatter too. Yet the tiredness that began a while ago remains like a veil over my skin, gray and cold. And as I watch the petals and the twigs that sway outside the window, there is only a creeping sorrow where there should be joy. It sits like November rain on my skin, enough to chill what was once warm inside.

The feeling is strange—too familiar yet too strange. I never know how to define it. I want to smile and laugh along with everyone, but something in me grabs my heart tight and crushes it to pieces. The brightness inside of me is gulped by something dark. No, I would be wrong to say it is dark; it is empty, nothing else.

Harry sits here with us at lunch, but he refuses to talk to me. I know what I did was wrong, and he should be upset, but why does it feel like I lost something—someone more than a friend? For in my heart, what I felt was more than just friendliness. My best friend Lia and I have had our down times to the point where we didn't talk to each other, but it didn't feel like the way it feels now. Its different. It's much stronger.Harry has no clue how much pain I am in. The regret I feel I know he's hurting too, but the pain I am feeling is much stronger.

It's strange, yet somewhat familiar.

Harry says something, and everyone laughs. I sit quietly, staring at my uneaten lunch, and all I feel is this dullness. He seems to be happy to be making jokes, but he doesn't have the strength to forgive me yet.It has been three days since our conversation. Saturday, Sunday, and now Monday I figured everything was fine when he sat with us at our table, but when he didn't say a word to me, that hit me right in the chest.

I look up to see Lia giggling at what Cooper said. She was there with me during the weekend when I shed what was left of my tears, but I didn't want to keep her away from her life. She's done enough for me. I look to my right to see Niall and his girlfriend, Mayverick, laughing at something or what someone said. That made me feel even worse. I still liked Niall, or at least the idea of him as my boyfriend. But now, he's too busy with Mayverick to pay me any attention. Liam, Louis, and Harry are chatting nonstop. Harry glances at me for half a second, then returns his gaze to his friends. Zayn and Iris are nowhere to be seen. I never really realized that they weren't here.

With one last look at my friends, I get up, dump my uneaten lunch in the trash, and leave the lunchroom without saying goodbye. With all the laughter surrounding me, it just made it worse for me. I just wanted to go home and be alone. That's exactly what I'm going to do.

I walk towards my locker and open it to retrieve my folder with assignments, and someone slams the locker door shut. I know who it is because she's the only one who bullies me like this. I turn to face her. She's alone this time.

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