10- Vanilla

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"You can never know what you are fully made of until you start to do the things that fear you the most."
-Edmond Mbiaka

"-Edmond Mbiaka

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"Hey, what are you doing all by yourself?" Harry questioned me. "Did I interrupt you?

"No!" I gasped. "I just wanted to get away from everyone. It's sometimes a tad too much. Tigers do this, and Tigers do that. I just need to breathe." I sighed. I run my fingers through my hair in frustration. It also didn't help one bit that Harry refused to help me with anything. He always had some lame excuse.

"You're no help either." I frowned at him. He raised his palms, facing me in defense.

"Hey, I didn't ask for this. I don't see why I have to do anything. You've been doing this all on your own for what, two years?" He shook his head with boredom, then sat on a rock beside me. We were back by the lake again. It became our hangout spot to hide away from Aunt Olly.

"But I had someone else to help me. I wasn't completely alone." I pouted as I looked at him. We became much closer over the past few weeks. It became much easier for me to talk to him. He was more of himself, and I was the same. No holding back, just like we agreed.

"Well, that's too bad." I thought he would say that he would try and help out more often, but he didn't. I scowled at him, then swiftly turned away and stuck my chin out. My hair flashed in his face as I did.

"Hey, watch it with your mane, Tiger. You almost blinded me." He complained aloud. I met his gaze, smiling cheekily.

"Hey, I know that look. Whatever you are planning on doing, it's not going to work." His eyes widen with alarm. I jumped on my feet and threw my hair backwards, then forward into his face. I was ruffling it with my hands and laughing like crazy.

"Hey!" He complained as he tried to hold me down. I bet my hair was in his mouth, too, because his voice sounded muffled. At least my hair was clean and smelled the same for as long as I can remember. Just like vanilla. He grabbed my waist, and we both fell to the ground. He was on top of me, straddling me. I tried to fight him off, but we ended up rolling down the hill towards the ledge of the lake. By the time we stopped, we were both laughing like crazy. We both lay on our backs, grinning at the sky like five-year-olds. I turned to look at him, and he had pecks of grass in his hair.I rolled on my tummy and balanced my weight on one elbow. Hovering over him, I brush the grass out of his wavy hair with my free hand. Let it be known, we were both still grinning like crazy because of the adrenaline rush. My eyes met his, and my grin slowly turned into a smile with a light chuckle. I admired his facial features, but mostly his emerald green eyes. I sometimes forget that it's Harry Styles that I am with. My crush. If he only knew how I felt about him.Taking me by surprise, he rolled me over on my back. Now he was the one hovering over me, but the only difference is that I was between his legs. I felt a bit self-conscious being in this position. My eyes still held his right through. He was smirking. Like the way he does whenever he knows something I don't or he's just up to something. My eyes drift from his eyes to his lips. I gulped.

Vanilla Girl (girlxgirl)Where stories live. Discover now