29- Drama=Departure

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"We accept the love we think we deserve."
-Stephen Chbosky

"-Stephen Chbosky

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"Why didn't you tell me you wanted to cut your hair?" Lia complains. "I would've gone with you to the salon and let a professional cut it. It looks like you used your left hand to cut the whole bloody thing."

It's lunch time, so I can't really tell her that I wasn't the one who cut it. Not around all my friends. Not in public.

"Tell you what. I can trim it for you later. I'm good with scissors because you certainly aren't." She waves her hand at my hair.

"I don't like it," Cooper speculates.

"It doesn't look bad. It's just going to take some time to get used to." Lia jumps in.

"You look better with long hair." Liam draws out "Now you resemble an oompa."

"She always did look like an oompa." Harry chuckles, giving me a playful, dimpled grin.

"I think she'll look better without any hair at all." Mayverick rolls her eyes.

"Don't be that way, May. Remember what we spoke about." Niall whispers to her. He turns to me and says, "I think you look just fine, Ty, but I did like your long hair."

"I know you're trying to impress me, Ty, and it's working. I love a girl who's willing to take risks." Louis smirks, undressing me with his eyes.

"You love all types of girls." Liam buts in. "Even the ugly ones."

"That's not true." Louis slams his hands on the table, frowning furiously.

"Then what's this I'm hearing about you liking Brittany?" Zayn inquires.
Come to think of it, I don't even know what Louis would think if he knew that Brittany was part of Gretchen's little Beat on Tiger group.

"She's not ugly." Louis defends her.

"But she's an idiot," Zayn points out.

"She's not. She just thinks differently." Louis glares at Zayn, who seems unbothered with a quiet Iris beside him.

"Oh, Zayn, about that thing I talked to you about the other day. Everything is fine now. Not good, but we're working on it." I didn't get the chance to tell him in depth about what my dad told me. Maybe another time.

"Oh, that's good." He nods. "And Ty, you look better with short hair. The oompa look suits you." I don't know what to say, so I just nod.

"You'll look better with me, though." Louis bats his eyelashes. I shake my head at him, and Liam bursts out laughing.

"You have no game, mate." He chuckles.

Ignoring them, I put the hood of my sweater over my head, concealing my bad haircut. They were definitely not helping.

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