47- Graduation Day

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Entering the parking lot, I feel desperately eager to finish the day.

The car park fills with cars as students arrive. I scan every face from the seat of my car.

It's graduation day.

Which means the end of an era. My era in high school which, I must say, started off really pleasant. It had its ups and downs, and that in turn made me grow. Harry's group of friends made a huge impact on my confidence because they were considered popular.
But I am not too sure if this new self-found confidence is even legit.

Speaking to new people and forming new friendships with these individuals highlighted certain aspects of my personality that I never knew were buried deep. Well, I wouldn't go as far as saying they were buried. How about uncovered?

Moving in with Sadie seems too soon. It is soon. We have only been together for three months. Which is why I can't do it. We'll be going our separate ways in two months, and Lia and I will be heading off to college together like we always planned.
Sadie and I will remain in contact, and as for Harry, we talk every once in a while, but we aren't as close anymore. He told me he is in a relationship with Galeria, and he'll be attending her college this upcoming term.
I believe the rumors were in fact true about them, but Harry never once spoke to me about them, and I never once brought them up.

I was now in a committed relationship with Sadie after all. None of my past relationship dramas should be of concern.

So in the beginning I said I'm desperately eager to finish day, well, I do in fact mean it within my very soul.

I'm valedictorian.

Which means a speech is a must.

I tried everything last night to get myself sick. Nothing worked. So now I have to build this unknown courage to speak to a football field full of graduates and their parents.

I have always hated public speaking.

My phone rings.

"Hey, what's up?" I answer. It's Lia.

"Have you built enough courage to get out of the car at least?" She muses.

"It's not funny, Lia. Why did they select me to be the valedictorian?" I whine.

She giggles lightly. "Because you're the smartest person in school."

"But I thought that was Sadie."

"Well, technically it is, but I have no clue why she didn't get it. But hey, listen, you're going to be okay. I'm going to be right there in the crowd, staring right back at you with the goofiest grin you can imagine, because I'm so damn proud of you."

My cheeks spread into a grin.

"Oh, shut up. You don't mean that," I say.

"Well, I sure as hell mean it when I say I'll drag you out of that wretched car myself if you don't get out in the next five minutes. The ceremony is about to begin," she scolds me.

"Hey, don't be mean to my car. She's a baby." I pout.

"Hey, we've got a lot of memories in that baby, but it's time to get out."

I pick up my gown and hat from the passenger seat and leave my car. I chose to wear a red dress under my navy blue gown.
It flares at my waist, which I think is really cute.

Gosh, I sound like Lia.

Speaking of Lia, I see her at the front door of our school.

Her cheeks spread into a wide smile.

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