48- The Big Move

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The sun gleams through the crevices of the blinds and onto my bed, stirring me awake.

Today marks the last day I will be waking up in my own bed.

My pastel-colored room always brought a sense of peace to me. It was the perfect room to study in and make love to my girlfriend.

My girlfriend.

I told my parents that I was serious about being with her, which is why I have decided to move in with her. Before, I thought it would be temporary for only two months, but this is a chance for us to create a life together and to get closer. This new chapter in my life does make me nervous, but I am excited.

I have to break the news to Lia that I won't be sharing a dorm room with her. I haven't told her I would be moving today either. I doubt she will take the news well, being that we have had this planned for years. But Sadie and I are serious about each other, and I really don't see myself with anyone else but her. It's only fair that I show that with my actions as well. We will all be going to the same college, so we will definitely hang out. Even though I am in love, I still love my best friend, and I don't ever want to make her feel excluded.

She had to take some time to warm up to Sadie's title as my girlfriend. She had no experience with same-sex relationships, so she got confused, thinking that Sadie was stealing me from her. In reality, Lia only felt threatened by Sadie, and at the time, she felt her friendship with me was breaking. Lia always wanted the best for me, so I understand why she is so protective.

Sadie and Lia are now friends, from what I can see. They became more tolerable with each other, and that made everything a whole lot better.

"Ty, are you up?" My mom asks on the other side of my bedroom door.

"Yeah, mom, I'll be down in a second."

"The movers will be here with the truck soon, so get your suitcases and boxes ready."

I only had one more box left to pack, and I will be ready to go.


The move and saying goodbye to my family were bittersweet moments. On one hand, I am starting a new life, and on the other, I am leaving my childhood behind.

Tiger Gething's story is only the beginning, and yes, I just referred to myself in the third person.

The truck came and took all my large luggage to Sadie's and my new apartment, while Lia just pulled up in her new Jeep.

She looks over at me with an inquisitive look.

"I really can't get tired of seeing that pink-colored Jeep," I say loud enough so that she can hear above her ranging music.

She turns the music down, the engine off, and hops out of the car.

"What's up?" She asks. "Why are you all dressed?"


"I thought we were supposed to hang out later; why the sudden change of plans?" She asks.

"Well, we can still hang out later, but I called you over here to tell you something that I probably should've told you since the day after graduation. Before I say anything, I know it's been three weeks since graduation, and we have hung out almost every day. But there is a reason for that."

"Tiger, you're scaring me."

"I am moving in with Sadie."

Lia stares at me without a word. She blinks once.

I continue.

"So, I know we have been planning to share a dorm room since forever, and I know you might hate me for this, but I am in love with Sadie, and we have this opportunity to be together without any pressure from her parents. She really needs me right now with all the family drama that's happening. We will all be going to the same college, so we will definitely still hang out. But we just won't be sharing a room together."

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