28- Cuts and Bruises

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"I was steeped in denial, but my heart knew."
-Suzanne Finnamore



Rumor has it that Tiger Gething, a top student at Gold Valley High who is supposedly in a relationship with Gold Valley's queen, Yasmina Farbridge, also known as Sadie, is cheating on her with the hottie, Harry Styles.

Tiger rushes down the school hallway after her little talk with Gretchen, trying her best to ignore the stares she's currently receiving from the student body. She bursts through the bathroom door, immediately locking herself in—finally alone, or so she thinks.
She is faced with three other girls, whom she recognizes immediately. Gretchen, Brittany, and Whitley All friends of Sadie, who is the only one missing from the equation,

Tiger quickly turns to leave, but someone grabs her.

"Hold her down!" Gretchen orders the two.

"Let me go!" Tiger cries out. "Why are you doing this?"

Gretchen screeches, "I'm doing this because I love Sadie!" Her voice hit the tiles of the bathroom wall and floor.

Tiger struggles to break free from the two's hold. "So you want her, is that it?"

Gretchen stands above a crying tiger. "It doesn't matter what I want. I just don't appreciate someone cheating on Sadie. She's a queen, and she deserves to be treated as such." Her mouth pressed into a hard line.

"I'm not cheating on her!" Tiger screams, her eyes glistening with tears.

Gretchen leans forward so her lips are against Tiger's ear. Tiger's body stiffens.
"You're in love with Harry, though. I wonder what Sadie will do when she finds out." She whispers, "Wait, does Harry even know about your undying love for him? No, he doesn't."

"Please don't tell them." Tiger shakes her head furiously, pleading.

"Oh, I won't. I would rather make the last couple of months you have here a living hell. You need to pay for the way you're treating Sadie." Gretchen sneered as she glared at Tiger. Nothing but hatred filled her eyes. "Using her so you feel wanted when really you want the attention of Harry." Tiger knew she was telling the truth. Tiger loved the feeling of finally being wanted by someone and being touched by them, which made her feel on top of the world. But who doesn't?

Gretchen circles Tiger, and the two are holding her down. "Even though Sadie broke up with me a year ago, I will always love her. I am devoted to her. I vowed to protect her from afar. Whoever poses a threat to her beautiful heart, I will get rid of them. Oh, and I always get away with it. When you're wealthy, you get away with anything." She stops walking to glare at Tiger. Her eyes were blazing with fire. "I really thought you were good for her, but then you do this."

"If you tell anyone about this, I will find out, and I will reveal your secret to the entire school." Gretchen pulls out a pair of stainless steel knives from her nearby bag that was on the sink counter. Tiger's eyes gleam with fear as she spots the scissors.

"Wait, hold up. I'm all for this because I'm jealous of her relationship with Harry, but if there's going to be blood, I'm out." Whitley warns.

"I'm just taking a souvenir with me, and I'm also leaving my mark so everything here doesn't forget our deal." Gretchen's eyes go wild as she explains while playing with the scissors in her hand.

"Are we going to style her hair now?" Brittany's voice chirps with excitement. Tiger began panicking.

"Yes. We are Brits." Gretchen grabs Tiger's ponytail. Tiger wails even louder in hopes that someone overhears her and calls for help. She begins to fight, but Whitley and Brittany hold on to her tight. She was sure that after they let her go, she would have black and blue marks all around her arm.
Tiger heard the sound of blades grinding, and out came a handful of her ponytail in Gretchen's hand.

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