43- Sadie

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I wake up to my usual seven o'clock alarm. I sit up and slip my feet in my fur bed slippers. After picking up my phone from my nightstand, I leave my bedroom.

"Good morning, Sadie," my dad greets me blandly as I walk into the kitchen.

"Morning," I mumble, grabbing a mug and filling it with coffee.


The tone my mother used made my body itch.


"You haven't said good morning to your mother," she states, sitting across from me by the island with her nuh in her hand.

"Well, you haven't said it to your daughter," I reply. At least dad said it with boredom, but it still counts.

She sighs heavily. "You really need to watch your mouth, young lady."

I turn my back to her and roll my eyes. I take a sip of my coffee.

"Have you started campaigning to be the winter prom queen?"

I give another eye roll.

"Why do I have to participate?" I grumble, with my back still turned to her.

"Because you're the daughter of the principal and founder of the school. You have to uphold our name in every manner at our establishment as well as after you leave for college, etc."

"Right, I forgot I live only by your rules."

"Don't you get smart with me, young lady? You know this is for your own reputation at the school as well. I know you love that you're popular, and you want to keep that," she further comments arrogantly.

I did all this for her because I wanted to make her happy. I thought if I did it, we would get closer.

"Can I go now?"

"No, we need to talk about the wedding," my dad chimes in.

"I told you I didn't want to marry him."

"You said you would do it for the family company. You said you would do it for me," my mother states with arrogance.

"Well mom I can't throw my entire life into your hands. There are things I won't want to do. I won't marry someone I don't love. And I will not marry a man at that."

"What did you say?"

I look at my dad, and I regret my last few words. It was too soon to talk about my sexuality.

"I think I'm a lesbian."

"What?" They both say it at once. My parents look at each other with questions in their eyes.

"But you have had boyfriends?" My mom says

"But what I didn't tell you is that I have also had girlfriends before. There's this girl, actually."

"Not to stop you right there, but can we have this conversation for another time? I really have to get to work," my mom says, standing to her feet.

"We will talk about the wedding tonight when you get home," my dad says after he walks out of the kitchen with his wife.

I look at the empty spot where they once were, and I chuckle to myself. It's my fault for thinking they actually cared about my life.

My phone vibrates, and I check it to see if it's an email from my mom with the flyer for prom queen. She chose the most seductive picture. As expected, everyone at school will think it's all my idea.

Whatever. It doesn't matter. I have a tiger.

I can't trust my cheerleading team because they are all jealous of me. And let's face it, no one at school knows the real me.

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