44- Tiger and Me

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It's been a week since the family dinner at the Gething residence.
My impression of them was that her mom's friendly and would be okay with any changes her daughter made to her life. Tiger had the freedom to be herself.

She had a makeover, which her parents clearly allowed.

As for Mr. Gething, I'm sensing tension between him and his daughter. Tiger mentioned before that they had an argument. His mother, who is her grandmother, does not accept same-sex relationships.

I enter the school's parking lot and park in my designated spot, courtesy of my dad.
After grabbing my bag and phone, I head into the building.

I'm sick of this place.

People in the lockers all look at me. The girls are assessing my outfit, and the boys, whatever.

Gretchen comes into view, and I anticipate a confrontation. She walks and closes our distance, blocking my pathway.

"Move it," I say through my teeth.

"Now, we have to talk."

"We," I point between me and her. "Have nothing to discuss."

"Why didn't you tell me you girls were back together?" She raises a brow.

"Gretchen, I don't have to tell you sh*t. I broke up with you a year ago. Now move the fuck out of my way before I move you myself."

I take one more step, closing the distance between us even more.

"What's going on?"

My body jumps as I hear her voice. I take a step back from Gretchen.

"This bitch thinks she has a say in who I date," I say, answering Tiger's question.

"Aren't you straight?" Gretchen says, looking at Tiger behind me.

"I'm not; I don't know.

I cut her off by placing a finger on her lips.

"Don't explain sh*t to her baby girl," I say loudly so that Gretchen can hear.
I place my hands on Ty's cheeks and caress them.

Inhaling a deep breath, I turn my attention back to Gretchen. With one swift movement, I had her pinned to the locker with her arm against her throat.

"Now, Gretchen, if you think you can go anywhere near Tiger without losing a tooth and fracturing a few bones, you're highly mistaken."

I heard students in the background mumbling among themselves at what was going down.

"If you think you can pull that shit again, almost killing her in a car crash, I'll end you."


I cut her off by pressing my arm harder against her neck. I stare directly into her eyes, which once used to make me feel something other than anger and resentment.

"Stay the fuck away from me and Ty."

With Gretchen left stunned, I left the area quickly with Tiger's hand in mine before any teachers or hall patrol came around.

Without giving it another thought, I head towards the exit.

"Where are we going?" Tiger panics.

"You want to ditch this place?"

The bell rings, signaling the start of the first period.

"I don't know. Where would we go?"

"My house?" I raise a brow.


Before she could utter another word, I pulled her gently towards the exit, and she followed quietly.
I take a confident peek at her face. She's blushing. I break into a smile and squeeze her hand tighter.

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