14- Lakehouse

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"Friendship is far more tragic than love. It lasts longer."
-Oscar Wilde

"-Oscar Wilde

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"Do you want to go out to the lake?" Harry questioned me. It was already nightfall. We ate whatever was in the fridge after watching Grease.

"Don't you think we should go back to camp?" I asked nervously. It was pretty late, and Aunt Olly must be upset with me.

"It's night, Tiger. Everyone is locked up in their cabins, asleep. It's best we just enjoy the little time we have left." He tried to reason with me. Like always, he won. It's hard to say no, Harry. I don't know if that's bad or good.

"Okay, let's go out to the lake." I sighed, and I walked ahead of him. I took my time and walked out on the dock. There was a boat there tied up.

"That's yours too?" I pointed at the boat.

"Yup yup. Let's go for a ride." He offered.

"Yeah sure. Why not." I shrugged my shoulders. That was a pretty good idea. I could get a clearer view of the night sky.

I got a closer view of the boat, and it was a red canoe suited for two people with paddles inside.

"Let me go in first, and I will help you over." Harry offered. That was a good idea because the minute he put one foot in, the canoe shook from side to side. I don't have that much luck when it comes to balancing my weight at all.

Harry held his hand out for me to take. "Okay c'mon." I stepped forward and grabbed his hand, but knowing he had uncoordinated me, I tripped over my foot and was going head first into the canoe. Harry had fast reflexes, so he grabbed me by my waist before I could fall in. He lifted me over by my waist, and my face turned red with embarrassment."Can you be anymore clumsier?" Harry was amused by me. A chuckle escaped my lips. I took my seat at the back and his at the front. We moved forward as he began to paddle.(The song above begins to play.)I looked up at the sky, and just as expected, the stars were as bright as ever, in clear view for me to see. My eyes darted from the sky and on to Harry. He was looking at the stars as he paddled.This was one of the most romantic things a couple could do. If only he felt the same way. We had plenty of opportunities to kiss. He had the opportunity to make a move on me multiple times, but he didn't. Which basically meant that he only saw me as a friend. That was a bummer, but I looked at it this way.I'd rather have him as a friend than nothing at all. If it meant having him with me frequently, I was willing to not focus on my feelings that much, even though they've gotten stronger over the summer. If he ever found out what I feel for him and he didn't feel the same, our friendship would be ruined. I would hate myself if that ever happened. We were becoming best friends, and even though it hurts me inside that I can't have him as nothing more, I will wait. I will wait until he develops feelings for me. If he doesn't, well, then I will be an incredible best friend to him.Why did I lie to him? It was a huge mistake. Was it too late to tell him the truth?It's going to hurt even worse to see him at school and not be able to talk to him. Not be able to goof around with him like we always did.I have to tell him.

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