22- Caged Bird

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"It's a good sign but rare instance when, in a relationship, you find that the more you learn about the other person, the more you continue to desire them. A sturdy bond delights in that degree of youthful intrigue. Love loves its youth."
-Criss Jami

"-Criss Jami

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As I take my time and approach my locker to retrieve my literature book for the first class of the day, I feel nothing but good vibes flowing through me. Everything is right for a change. Not how I imagined it, but I am happy.

After taking out my book, I close my locker and begin the short journey to room 12B. I stop in my tracks as I see Sadie and her two friends, Brittany and Whitley, all dressed in their cheer uniforms. My attention is on Sadie alone, though. She has a tight ponytail that shows her defined cheek bones, and her short skirt shows her long legs. The way she walks up the hallway in my direction, with her classy yet sassy demeanor, she holds my gaze with hers.

I am immobile. I am in a trance as I gaze at her beauty. How can I be so lucky to call her mine?

She stops in front of me, and my heart skips happily. All eyes are on us. Brittany and Whitley stand close behind, patiently waiting on their leader.

"Hey baby girl." She whispers as she hugs me. She brushes her lips against my cheek. The crowd murmurs.

"Hey." My voice is barely audible as I stare at my girlfriend. She snaps her fingers twice, and Brittany and Whitley scurry off. I watched them leave, amazed that Sadie had such power over them. They're like her little servants. They do as told without complaining. Don't they get tired of it?

Sadie brushes a strand of my hair behind my ear. "It's good to see you with those glasses of yours again." She smiles sweetly at me. My face reddens as I look down, blushing.

"You like them?" My voice is tiny. She takes another step in front of me, with my back against my locker.

"I love them." She plants a gentle kiss on my lips. I was never the one for PDA, but after actually receiving affection from Sadie herself, I didn't really mind. The students nearby don't exist at this moment. To me, I'm alone with Sadie, far, far away.

The bell rings, breaking me away from her captivating gaze.

"Oh darn. You wouldn't mind skipping school with me, would you?" She pouts.

"Yes, I would mind." I chuckle at her silliness. I know she isn't being serious, so I don't take it to heart.

"I'll see you at lunch." She kisses me once more and dances down the hallway in the opposite direction of where I am heading.

I fix my glasses and march into my classroom, automatically searching for the familiar brown hair and greenish blue eyes. No sign. The teacher isn't here yet, so at least he won't be late.

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