41- Truth Comes Out (2)

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The clouds appear heavy, like they are about to rain. It fits the mood for everyone in different ways.

My own thoughts seem so heavy, like the clouds, but someone else is probably feeling ten times worse.
Someone out there probably forgot to wear deodorant to an interview. That's probably the worst, right?

Well, I think my life stinks right now.

I stare at my reflection in the mirror blindly as I think back to the look on Harry's face yesterday.

I really wish Sadie kept her mouth shut, but I can't be angry at her.

Harry agreed to meet up with me to talk. We settled on the park. Coincidentally, the same park Sadie and I went to

I grow nervous at the thought of him waiting. So without a second thought, I got dressed and left my humble abode. I kept it neutral today with a pair of jeans, a t-shirt, and a jeans jacket.

I approach a nervous Harry who's sitting on the bench in the middle of the park.

"Hi," my voice breaks.

He stands and leans in to hug, but hesitates. He instead sits down and motions for me to do the same.

"Wanna sit?" He asks.

I mentally prepare myself for everything I am about to say as I sit beside him.

Minutes go by as we watch a boy play fetch with his dog while his mom stands by, watching over him. I give a slight chuckle as the dog catches the ball.

Harry looks at me, and my heart rate increases as I grow nervous.

"What am I doing here?"

"I wanted to talk," I said.

"So talk. Tell me what the hell is going on."

"Harry, I'm sorry." Tears begin to fill my eyes.
I wipe it away furiously.
"I thought I was over Sadie, but I wasn't."

"Is that all?" He grits through his teeth.

"I—" I didn't know how to put the words. "Well, after your dad told me about the engagement, I left because I wanted to talk to Sadie."

"So you snuck out of my house and met up with your ex after having dinner with my family?" he frowns.

"Harry. I just wanted to talk to her."

"Tiger, what really happened?" He demands.

"We kissed!" I gasp.

"That's not all, is it?" Harry mutters.

I stare at my fingers as I fiddle nervously with them.


"And you did this after talking to my dad about the engagement?" He ponders.

I inhale a deep breath. "And at Liam's house at the party."

"But I was there," he says, clenching his fist.

"Harry..." My eyes continue to fill with tears. "I never meant for this to happen. I love you, but I just I'm confused."

"You know what, Tiger?" he says, jumping to his feet. "This is bloody rich coming from you."

Harry turns and leaves, and I say nothing to stop him.

The conversation did not go the way I wanted it. I was just so nervous that I couldn't say what I wanted to. Should I have kept what I did a secret from him?

Maybe I should have told him it was just a kiss. Maybe he wouldn't be as angry. I don't know. I feel horrible.

I take my phone out of my purse and call Lia.
I update her on what's going on.

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