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"If you spent your life concentrating on what everyone else thought of you, would you forget who you really were? What if the face you showed the world turned out to be a mask... with nothing beneath it?"
-Jodi Picoult


The first day of year 13 went by slowly. I had my daily dosage of scrutiny, and I am now on my way to the mall with Amelia. I parked my car at home so we could drive together in hers. She told me to reschedule my self-made car wash appointment for another day, and that kind of sucked. I was really looking forward to getting my beauty cleaned.

"Lia." I begin to say: She was singing along to the song that had been playing on repeat for the past 10 minutes."Lia." I say it a bit louder.She turns the radio down and looks at me with her eyebrows raised, annoyed.

"What is it?" She asks after beeping the horn at another driver. I had no idea how to tell her about Camp Musique.

"Harry." I sigh. She pressed the break so hard that I had to look to see if the car behind us was close enough to hit us. Luckily, we are three-way so they go around while beeping at us angrily. I quietly apologize."What happened!" She squeals, staring at me with a wide grin. Obviously, we are ignoring the fact that we are parked in the middle of the highway.

"Lia drive!" I laughed while saying She did as told, and I explained all that happened during the summer at music camp. She shrieked, laughed, giggled, and did a number of OMGs, and you're kidding.

We are now walking in the mall. I am the least bit as interested in these materials they call clothes, but Lia is already throwing stuff at me.

We left with a large number of tops, a romper, three dresses, and five skinny jeans in black, navy blue, light blue, and white. I have never worn a pair of skinny jeans in my entire life, so she insisted on buying them. Lia and I practically grew up together in Australia because of our parents.

My mom and her mom have been best friends since high school, so when she got the job offer here in England, my mom tried her luck, and she got the job as well. Both our parents are now coworkers.

We decided to get Chinese takeout before heading back home."So are you going to talk to him at school?" She questions me. "Wait, did he?"

I shake my head. "It doesn't make any sense. If he knows that it was me, the nerd, who he associated himself with at camp, he will never speak to me again. I told him that I go to a different school from his, and I just visit here every summer to volunteer at the camp. He made it very clear that he hated liars and deceivers, and that's basically what I did and who I am. So, I practically made it worse for myself." I pause.

"If I told him the truth and people found out, it would damage his status at school. He is the popular guy while I am at the bottom of the student body hierarchy." I sigh.

"He didn't recognize me anyway. I am a nobody to him. What makes you think that will change?"

"You could at least try." She pauses. "You think so little of yourself, Tiger. When you are really beautiful, both inside and out, You're just stuck in that shell of yours." She pouts.

"If someone likes me, I want them to like me as I am. This is me." I reply, gesturing to my body.

She shakes her head. "Yes, but you're hiding Tiger. The way you dress now is a front because you don't think they'll accept you if you're yourself. That girl at camp..." She pauses and turns to me. "That's who you really are."

"I don't think you've really even found yourself as yet, Ty." She adds that I grew quiet.

"Even if he liked that girl at camp..." My voice trails off. "I mean, what if he hates me because I lied to him? He'll never come back to camp like he had promised, and he'll never speak to me again."

Vanilla Girl (girlxgirl)Where stories live. Discover now