32- Reading

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"Love is friendship that has caught fire. It is quiet understanding, mutual confidence, sharing and forgiving. It is loyalty through good and bad times. It settles for less than perfection and makes allowances for human weaknesses."



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Tiger's POV

As my eyes opened to see the bright light rays of the sun piercing through the window frame, the pain welcomed me.

I sit up in an unfamiliar bed, and the throbbing increases behind my eyes.
My eyes look to the left to see a bottle of water and a container of aspirin.

The four tablets go down my track and into my stomach. In about fifteen minutes, the medication will take effect.
In the meantime, I look around the room that I am in, and I slowly begin to panic.

"Where the bloody hell am I?" Wait, when did I start cursing?

I rise to my feet and slowly make my way out of the room. My droopy eyes look both to the left and right of the abandoned hallway.

"Oh, it's Liam's house." I sigh with relief. "Wait, how did I get up here?" I hear chattering downstairs, so I make my way slowly, still feeling disoriented.
Red cups and empty beer bottles are scattered everywhere. I think I even spot a lace bra hanging from the picture frame on the wall.

I hear Harry's voice, and a smile automatically comes to my face. A laugh breaks out, which makes me curious as to what's so funny.

Entering the kitchen, the smell of bacon welcomes me. I automatically begin to drool with hunger.
"Oh, here she is!" Liam laughs even harder. He, Louis, and Harry cackle like fools. I furrow my brows with confusion.

"Hey Tiger, did the big bad wolf eat you?" Louis questions me, then bursts out laughing again.

"What are you talking about?" I turn my gaze to Harry, who's dressed up.

"Don't you remember a thing that happened last night?"
I shake my head furiously. "No."

"You don't remember what you said to me?" He asks more seriously.


"I'm surprised that the big bad wolf didn't eat you. I sure would have." Louis smirks, and I grow in confusion even more. Wait, did I shag someone last night?

Harry glares at Louis. He raises both his palms, facing Harry in defense. "Too far?" Harry nods. "Okay, too far." Louis chuckles.

I remember being with Louis last night. We were dancing, and I drank some of the alcohol he had. Wait, did Louis and I?

"Louis?" My eyes were about to fall out of my socket. "Did we....?"

"Huh?" He furrows his brows. "Sadly, no." I sigh with relief. "Hey, you could at least fake being sad that we didn't." His bottom lip sticks out.

Vanilla Girl (girlxgirl)Where stories live. Discover now